Things we all do in a heatwave….

1) Moan that its too hot. Last week we were moaning about the lack of British Summertime, and back in June we were posting RIP Summer on Facebook after a 2 day stint of sunshine followed by 2 weeks of rain. Now that we have the heat, we wish it was ‘just a little bit cooler’. Mid twenties would be perfect. Oh and ideally on a weekend. With a breeze. And turn cooler at night just so we can sleep. Is that too much to ask?

2) Feel the need to tell everyone you meet that you are hot, despite the fact your strawberry red face and slightly sweaty brow gives it away.

3) Feel a sudden urge to buy hot dog rolls in Sainsburys….and onions, and a variety of different condiments to dress the hot dogs we are fantasising about. We don’t even own a barbeque.

4) Convince ourselves that we have slathered ourselves in enough sun tan lotion, but inevitably miss a bit. Usually our nose, resulting in our face looking a little like a flight beacon for the A380 airbus.

5) Commence the office aircon wars – with battles between those who prefer a “natural breeze” to those who like aircon so cold you can barely feel your fingers as you type.

6) Go inside after a few hours outside to be shocked at how dark it is in your house, and struggle to find your way to the toilet without your torch.

7) Crave ice cream and tut furiously at the shortage of supply in your local newsagents. Life simply is unmanageable without a Fab, Cornetto or Nobbly Bobbly.

8) Claim that its too hot to eat a thing, before eating your entire body weight in doritos and dip.

9) Wish that you lived by the sea, and suddenly crave a visit to the beach, with recollections of sand ingrained suntan lotion and a toddler who doesn’t like sand between her toes completely wiped from your memory.

10) Discover a new found appreciation for H20, particularly in its solid form.

11) Spend all day wishing you were in a beer garden, only to be so hot and sweaty by the time home time arrives that you cant be arsed and drive straight home, thankful that your air con is working and that your favourite song is on the radio.

12) Spend the first five minutes of your car journey home yelping in agony everytime you touch the steering wheel.

13) Feel the need to buy all the garden toys you can find and of course a paddling pool, and then drive round a variety of stores after finding they are sold out everywhere.  Find one, usually a massive one (as its the only one left) only to find that there is no pump included and that you need to inflate it by hand. Return to shop to buy an electric pump. Realise you probably could have installed your own pool with the amount of money spent in process.

14) Get the sprinklers on whilst you can for fear of the inevitable hose pipe ban. Attempt to resist urge to run through it. Fail.

15) Deem it acceptable to walk to the shops semi nude (well it’s acceptable on holiday isn’t it?!)

What others would you add??


Make the most of it! 🙂
Lucy x

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