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It can be hard to get your kids’ birthday party right every year, especially if you have more than one child to worry about. If you have found that you have exhausted all your ideas or are just overwhelmed by everything else you have to do, here are some suggestions that may help inspire you for your next children’s birthday party.

Backyard carnival

If you are fortunate enough to have a spacious garden that can be used for hosting, then you should definitely make use of it. A back garden carnival party can be catered to any aged child by getting a ball pool or other soft play areas for younger kids, with a bouncy castle or trampoline for older children. You can get one grownup to look after the barbeque, set up candy floss and popcorn stands, and plan out some fairground type games where kids can win prizes. End the day with a bang by getting some fireworks! But don’t forget to take all the necessary safety precautions and warn your neighbours before you set them off. 

A Treasure Hunt

A treasure or scavenger hunt is as fun to set up as it is to take part in. Get the guests to form groups and then send them off to try and retrieve treasures that you have hidden around the venue or house before they got there. For younger children, you can just set up a traditional treasure hunt where they have to search everywhere to find specified items, or you can lay out elaborate clues for older children to follow.

Pamper party

There are plenty of places you can book your kids in for a full kids pamper day where they can get their nails and their makeup done, and even get an adorable friends’ photoshoot. But if you are looking to save money then you can easily set up a super fun pamper party at home. Let the children do each other nails and get some children friendly face masks for them to try out.

Themed party

Sometimes a theme is what makes a party. Pick out something your child loves like Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel superheroes, or their favourite sport and plan their party completely around this. Really play on the theme with your decorations and snacks and party games – your child will love the personal touch that this gives their party and will make them feel extra special.

Escape Room

If your child loves puzzle solving, then an escape room party would be perfect. You can book the kids into an escape room, but you can also buy an escape room party kit online – if you have the imagination for it then you can have a go at creating your own riddles and clues. 

Karaoke Party

If you have a little superstar in the making, then maybe they would enjoy a karaoke party. Most children love to have a sing-along to their favourite songs and, with the addition of a stage, a microphone and a spotlight, every child at the party can get the chance to feel like a pop star.