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Hey, mums-to-be and new mums! Let’s talk about something important – finding a balance between taking care of your little one and taking care of yourself. It may sound challenging, but trust me – you’re not alone. 

This post will guide you through some tips that will help you find that perfect spot – where motherhood and personal health coexist harmoniously.

Understanding Your Body’s Needs During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is certainly quite the adventure, a time of amazing changes and anticipation. This is where exercise becomes more than just a routine; it turns into a vital partner. The most important thing? Pay close attention to what your body is saying. 

Adjust your exercise habits to what feels right for you and take care not to over do it. Keeping active is important, but it’s all about striking a balance between activities that are both enjoyable and beneficial, tailored just for your pregnancy journey.

Prenatal Exercise Tips

Keeping active during pregnancy is fantastic for both you and your baby! Let’s look at some safe ways to stay on the move:

Recommended Exercises for Expectant Mothers

  • Walking: How about a stroll? Whether it’s a park or your neighbourhood or wander around the park in the fresh air – it’s all good! It raises your heart rate without overexerting yourself – and it’s good for your mental health too.
  • Yoga: Stretch and unwind. Think of it as a relaxing retreat for your muscles. This is not only great for your physical self but can help keep you calm and centered during pregnancy too – with breathing exercises that can also prove useful during labour.
  • Swimming: Going for a gentle dip is an excellent way to exercise your whole body and relieve some of that pregnancy weight. Gravity is your friend – and you can switch off from any worries whilst focusing on your breathing in the pool.

Listening to Your Body’s Signals

It’s crucial to be in tune with what your body needs and its limits during these special months. Your body has its unique way of communicating – it could be a gentle nudge or a clear signal. 

Keep in mind: activities like these aren’t just great for overall fitness; they’re also helpful in managing specific conditions, such as gestational diabetes. Always choose exercises that suit your circumstances.

Postnatal Exercise Tips

Once your bundle of joy has arrived, gently step back into exercise. Safety and pacing yourself are key!

Regaining Strength Safely

Here are some smart ways to rebuild strength:

  • Pelvic Floor Exercises: These are gold for post-birth recovery. Essential and effective, they’re all about rebuilding those pelvic muscles. They also stop you from needing to pee whenever you jump on a trampoline or sneeze (you’ll thank me later!)
  • Low Impact Cardio: Think of a leisurely jog or a spirited walk. Perfect for getting your heart rate up without overdoing it.
  • Light Weight Training: Begin with lighter weights and work your way up. It’s not just about muscle; it’s about gradually regaining your strength.

Exercise as a Tool for Mental Wellness

Don’t forget: staying active does wonders for your mind just as much as your body. It’s like a dual-action remedy, lifting your spirits and strengthening your post-baby body. Now that’s a match made in health heaven!

Integrating Fitness into Motherhood

Blending fitness into the busy life of motherhood might seem like you’re aiming for superhero status, but it’s definitely within reach!

Finding Time for Fitness

Grab those precious moments! Baby’s naptime is your golden ticket for a quick workout. Why not turn your living room into your own little gym? Or if possible, join a fitness class. It’s a fantastic opportunity to stay active and connect with other mums.

Involving Your Baby in Exercise

Why not make fitness a duo activity? Here are some enjoyable ways to keep both you and your baby active:

  • Baby Yoga: Stretching alongside your baby is not only beneficial but also a heap of fun.
  • Stroller Workouts: Pushing a stroller adds that extra bit to your workout. Plus your baby might enjoy the ride too!
  • Dance Parties: Nothing beats the fun of dancing with your little one. It’s a great workout disguised as playtime.


To wrap it up, remember this, lovely mums: put your health and fitness on the priority list. This journey isn’t just about your little one – it’s also about you; and looking after you is a great way to be a good mum for your new arrival. As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup – so keep going, one small step at a time.