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When it comes to planning out design efforts, or anything else for that matter, it’s unlikely you consult magic practitioners or mystical creatures before making your decisions. But the truth is that at least in some part, magic can exist. We might feel it when entering a beautiful old theatre, heading to a well-curated Disneyland park, or seeing a beautifully lit venue when attending a friend’s wedding. That sense of magic brings us into the present, and for a moment anything seems possible.

Of course, outside of amazing landmarks and landscapes, this is rarely an accident. It’s not as if Disney parks just feel that way, thousands of man-hours have gone into the design, psychological review and legal care to ensure their brand feels like an echo of our childhood, no matter what it does, and the parks are designed to that specification.

The question remains – can we adopt some of that magic ourselves? Where might it be best applied? Are there ways to maximize it in your own home? In this post, we’ll discuss that, and hopefully inspire you along the way.

Ambient, Celebratory Lighting

There’s nothing quite like phenomenal lighting, especially in the evening, to enjoy a beautiful sense of place and ambience. This might take the form of magical lanterns that line your garden path. It could be hallway lights that illuminate your family portraits from the bottom up along the corridor. These little lights that are placed in precise areas, and light up parts of the home can give it a wonderful sense of character, both inside and out. You’ll be surprised just how wonderful this can feel.

Beautiful Shades

Beautiful shades of color that work with the lighting you’ve already implemented can enhance the ambience and presence quite significantly, especially if you use services like Perfect Painters, to paint beautiful new shades and to make sure each coat is as consistent as can be. This way, the condition of even an older home can seem brand new again, and more than worth 

Ethereal Textures & Fabrics

Textures that can help give an ethereal, comfortable sense of light presence will always feel magical and nicer than the alternative. For example, beautiful muslin curtains blowing in the breeze, silk pillow or cushion cases that feel comfortable no matter that temperature, and wooden reclaimed furniture that shows character and a sense of place. This isn’t to say that fixtures from your local home furnishing store can feel any less engaging to enjoy, it just means that heading for a slight alternative, enjoying those smaller light touches, and allowing the aforementioned light to play well with the colors you select can be so much more enjoyable. An entire household of these decisions can help it take on new life.

With this advice, you’re sure to enjoy the allure of magic in your home design. This way, you also get to have fun, instead of trying to fit a pre-arranged standard. This is your home, after all, and yours to do with what you will.