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It’s not a secret that marketers often capitalize on their customers’ frugality, ambitiousness, vanity, and fears, of course. In today’s article, we’re going to take a closer look at one such phobia – the fear of missing out, or simply FOMO – and find out how you can get the most out of FOMO tactics as part of your marketing strategy.  

10 Effective FOMO Marketing Techniques to Increase Online Results

What’s in FOMO Marketing?

Experienced marketers and sales professionals know how important it is to elicit emotional response from their prospects. A vast majority of consumers experience a healthy fear that they might miss out on lucrative deals, sales, promotions, etc. Hence, their striving to jump on the bandwagon every time their favorite brands host some cool events or roll out special offers. With the right FOMO marketing strategy in place, you can quickly convince your customers to grasp the opportunity until it’s still there. What you need to do is emphasize the exclusivity, scarcity, and urgency of what’s being offered. Below are some simple tactics that can help you ensure your FOMO strategy is a success.  

Create a Buzz

You want to encourage as many people as possible to participate in your upcoming event, be it a sale, sweepstake, or a giveaway?  So, why not create hype around it? Now that you have a wide range of handy graphic design tools at your fingertips, you can use a banner or billboard maker to put together an effective visual advertising campaign and make sure all eyes are on your undertaking. You can do so either on social media websites and popular ecommerce platforms like eBay.   

You can also use other tactics like shoutouts, word of mouth, and more. Be ready to talk about your event in the run-up to the date. Outline the major benefits for the participants, at the same time, refrain from going into detail. This way, you’ll create a sense of suspense and anticipation among your audience and make them look forward to your event. 

Encourage your followers to share your posts, Tweet, and comment about the event you’re about to host. Also, don’t forget to use branded hashtags and partner up with influencers in your niche. By doing so, you’ll create more hype and make more potential customers pay attention to your endeavors.    

It’s a great idea to set time limits on your special offers. Make it known that the deals and bargains are hard to refuse and your clients won’t forgive themselves if they miss out. Get a celeb or a popular trendsetter to talk about the company you represent and ask them to mention the event you’re holding on behalf of your business. This will create urgency and encourage your prospective customers to take action as soon as possible. 

Emphasize Urgency 

30 excellent FOMO Marketing Techniques to rocket sales – Mageplaza

It’s a great idea to set time limits on your special offers. Make it known that the deals and bargains are hard to refuse and your clients won’t forgive themselves if they miss out. Get a celeb or a popular trendsetter to talk about the company you represent and ask them to mention the event you’re holding on behalf of your business. This will create urgency and encourage your prospective customers to take action as soon as possible. 

Emphasize Scarcity 

To prompt quick sales, you should also make it clear that in view of the high demand for your products, you’re left with no other choice than to put a limit on the quantity you can afford to offer. Once you let your intended audiences know that you’ve put a cap on your offers, you’ll spark their interest and drive more sales. 

Make it Exclusive

What better way to show your customers that you value them than to emphasize their exceptionality? So, whenever you plan to introduce a new line of products, throw a new Instagram giveaway, or run a promotion, it’s always a win-win FOMO trick to let only a certain group of people try out or participate in it. Not only is it a good way to show your appreciation to a certain category of customers but also an effective tactic that will put those who once failed to earn access to your exclusive deals into overdrive. The odds are good that by rewarding your other clients and emphasizing their exclusive status, you’ll spur fence-sitters to engage more actively with your brand in fear of missing out on your next lucrative offers. 

Final Words 

Hopefully, these simple recommendations will help you come up with a workable FOMO strategy and take your sales to the next level. Just keep in mind that this tactic stems from negative psychological triggers and therefore you would be well-advised not to go overboard using it. Strike a healthy balance between boosting your sales and serving your customers interests, and hopefully, your business will start to thrive soon.