Welcome back to Hump Day Linky and thanks for joining me on my weekly linky to celebrate Hump Day – the middle of the week, and the downhill journey to the weekend!

This week we’ve had a bit of a challenge with Erin with Erin at school and as such has had a bit of a telling off. She’s struggling to grasp that school isn’t just one big play time, and sometimes I have to remind myself she is only four.

Tonight we are off to Disney on Ice so hopefully a nice treat will help encourage some better behaviour!


So, on to the linky…..

My favourite two posts from last week were from

The Ladybird Trails and her post on the best Halloween Books for children – we love reading around a theme or the time of year and there are some fab suggestions in the mix here!


Five Little Doves on Why BritMums made her feel like a failure. Ive made no secret of the fact that blogging can at times make me feel a little uncomfortable, comparing myself to others or feeling looked down on. It makes me sad that Laura felt this way too – as her blog is amazing.

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Real Mum Reviews

I look forward to reading your posts this week!