*This is a collaborative post

Have you heard of the Couch to 5k plan? At the start of 2020, one of my new years resolutions was to try and lose some weight and get fit. Whilst I am fully aware that a January Fitness Challenge is BUCKET load of cliché, I am the kind of person that finds goals and targets incredibly motivating and they really spur me on to take some action. Whilst the start of a new year is effectively just like any other day, it’s also a great time to look at the things in your life that you want to improve, change or make the most of.

In the last 2 years I have put on a LOT of weight, and whilst I am all for body confidence, and every size and shape embracing their figures; you have to feel comfortable in your own skin – and ultimately – I don’t. Some of my favourite clothes no longer fit, I feel much less healthy, I have less energy, and at the end of the day, I want to change my lifestyle so that I can be here to see my children grow up for as long as humanly possible. I am not a big believer in diets and lists of restricted foods or drinks (I like my food!) but as my Mum would say – “Eat less, move more” so that is what I am trying to do.

After completing the couch to 5k plan in 2017 and loving it, I have seen first hand just how effective the couch to 5k schedule can be at increasing my fitness levels, getting some alone time to think, reflect and de-stress, and just how quickly you can see your body shape toning and changing. I also find running is a great way to kick start the weight loss, having seen some positive changes last time around after just a few weeks of running three times a week. The concept of use it or lose it however couldn’t be more true when it comes to running – if you stop, its often necessary to start right back at the beginning – and that’s where I’m at!

How am I training for a 5k?

So how am I doing the couch to 5k plan this time around? I’ve joined a local running group called This Girl Runs in Solihull, which is a womens’ only running group that follows the basic principles of couch to 5k. The course runs over 8 weeks between January and March, gradually building up from a cycle or running and walking, to a full 30 minute run.

Why the Couch to 5k plan?

I chose this running group for a variety of reasons – I find running with others is often much easier than running alone, and the social element of meeting lots of other women all trying to achieve the same goal is really motivating. There’s also lots of chat and laughter (even if its easier to talk during the warm up and cool down!) and seeing the same faces each week can encourage you to get out there even on the days when you are not really feeling in the mood. It also means I don’t have to worry about running on my own in the dark during the winter months, with a pack mentality being much safer during the darker nights.

When do you use the Couch to 5k app?

The couch to 5k running sessions take place twice a week, and then I have to do one homework run by myself, which I will aim to do on either a Saturday or Sunday. I have downloaded the NHS Couch to 5k app to support me, with the dulcet tones of Sarah Millican being my guide!

What do you need for the Couch to 5k running plan?

The great thing about running is that in terms of what’s required to get started with the couch to 5k plan – its actually very little! I already had some running gear and trainers from last time around, although I have to be honest, I am having some challenge with my trousers slipping down whilst I run, probably because of the weight of my brick of an iPhone in the side pocket. I find that I spend a lot of the run trying to hoist my leggings back into place, which is probably not a good look!

I don’t have a fitbit but use my iWatch to track my exercise instead. If you don’t have a smartwatch or fitness tracker I would definitely recommend getting one if you are motivated by progress and goals. When it comes to finding the best fitness tracker, there are loads of different options to choose from, all with different features and functionality. When making your choice, I would recommend looking at the elements that are most important to you. For me it was tracking steps a day, calories, route plotting and heart monitoring. I love the element of trying to meet certain targets such as 10,000 steps a day.

I was very kindly gifted an Anita sports bra which has been an absolute godsend. As a larger busted lady (36E!) running can be a bit challenging unless you are properly supported, and if you try and run with a normal bra – trust me you will know about it and it wont be a fun experience! This Anita air control Delta Pad sports bra is so comfortable that I barely even know I have it on, and it looks quite feminine and sexy compared to much of the sports underwear I have seen. It is breathable and adjustable (with three different size settings on the back) and holds me firmly in place so I don’t notice any movement when I run.

What Next?

During the 8 week couch to 5k plan I will also be keeping a close eye on my diet. I know from the outset that my diet is pretty horrific. I eat a lot of lazy, quick, easy win style meals, a lot of bread and carbohydrate, and I also have an incredibly sweet tooth, meaning I am more than impartial to some chocolate or sweets. I don’t drink enough water and don’t always get my 5 a day.

I find the process of recording what I am eating really helpful, not only to track the amount of calories I have consumed, but because sometimes the thought of having to record it and physically write it down makes me think twice about whether I really want or need that biscuit. If I know its going to dip me over my allowance for the day, I may be more inclined to opt for a healthy alternative

I was recently sent this food planner from Boxclever Press to help track my diet. Not only does the food journal look great (and the perfect size to pop into your handbag) but it comes with lots of really useful pages to help you track your goals, weight loss and daily food intake. I love the way it prompts you to record how many steps you’ve taken, how much you’ve drank and even whether you have taken your daily vitamin! Boxclever press also have a fab range of organisers which you can use to meal plan – something which I have been meaning to do for ages but never quite got around to!

I will be using this diary in conjunction with my fitness pal (which is great for looking up the calories in what you’re eating) and doing a weekly weigh in at my Dads on a Sunday.

Whilst I wont be sharing how much I weigh on the blog (it’s all relative for individuals when it comes to the numbers on the scales!) I will be showing any progress I have made during the couch to 5k plan and my fitness challenge, and hopefully there will be some positive steps in the right direction.

You can find out more about the couch to 5k plan and hear answers to ALL the questions you may have about starting it yourself in my Couch to 5k Q&A.

Wish me luck!