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Introducing the new breed of Hatchimals – Hatchimals Pixies!!

Have you heard of Hatchimals Pixies yet?? Erin has been a massive fan of Hatchimals right from the very beginning, when the first ever self hatching egg toy was released on to the market. Since then, not only has she been a fan of the original Hatchimals, but the mini Hatchimals collEGGtibles, of which there have been a variety of seasons and variations over the years from glitter to colour changing and most recently mermaid themed characters (Mermal Magic)! I have to admit as a parent, I did wonder whether the novelty of these collectible eggs would eventually start to wear off, but it shows no signs of stopping yet!!

This Summer, Spinmaster have added a brand new addition to the Hatchimals range with the release of Hatchimals Pixies – a larger size Hatchimals egg which still hatches like the smaller collectible eggs, but with a larger size pixie / fairy like character inside.

We were sent some Hatchimals Pixies for Erin to put through their paces and here’s how she got on!

Hatchimals Pixies

What are Hatchimals Pixies?

Hatchimals Pixies are larger size shimmery Hatchimals eggs with collectible dolls inside. There are four different beautiful eggs to chose from, each with a different coloured exterior, and inside you can open to reveal a pixie from Crystal Cannon, Polar Paradise, Wishing Star Waterfall or Glittering Garden. You can see the colour of the egg from the packaging, but for each Hatchtopia location or egg colour, there are two different Pixies you may reveal.

Each of the Hatchimals Pixies have 3 mystery pixie accessories to discover, hidden inside a blind bag.

The Hatchimals Pixies have magical glittery wings that really flutter and shake, poseable heads, colourful sparkly hair  and fabulous outfits that are inspired by their Hatchtopia location.

Also inside the Hatchimals Pixies egg, is a small Pixie bed where the Pixie can have a lie down and well earned rest after being played with.

There are EIGHT different Hatchimals Pixies to collect (see collectors sheet below) and more to come, with Wave 2 expected in October!

Hatchimals Pixies are recommended for children ages 5+ and retail at £7.99 each.

Hatchimals Pixies Pink Egg

How to hatch a Hatchimals Pixie

The Hatchimals Pixie hatches in exactly the same way as the original Hatchimals CollEGGtibles. Simply hold the large egg in the palm of your hand and warm it by gently rubbing until the purple heart turns pink.

Hatchimals Pixies Blue Egg

Granted Erin found this a little harder than she has found the collEGGtibles, but with a bit of persisitance the heart changed colour and showed that it was ready to hatch. Once the heart has turned pink, you gently press down to crack the shell and discover which Pixie is inside. 

Our Experience of Hatchimals Pixies

Erin recently celebrated her 6th birthday, and so we gave her the Hatchimals Pixies as a birthday treat. She was VERY excited when she saw them in the packaging. She hadn’t seen them before, but immediately clocked on to the fact they were like a giant Hatchimal CollEGGtible, and wanted to open them pretty much straight away.

Hatchimals Pixies

The eggs are pretty solid and sturdy and when you first take out from the packaging you are given a collectors sheet so you can see what Hatchimals Pixies characters are available in the first wave / first season. All the Hatchimals Pixies have their own names like Glittering Gracie and Polar Penelope, and on the collectors sheet you can learn a little more about each fairy like character, including their Pixie Power (their special skill / magical power) such as the ability to grant wishes, their Pixie Faves, and the things that they love. I liked this additional information as it helped Erin get a feel for the personality of her little pixie!

Hatchimals Pixies Collectors Sheet Wave 1 / Season 1

As she’s been known to do with Hatchimals CollEGGtibles, Erin asked for a bit of help to “start her off” with changing the heard from pink to purple, but was then able to finish it off by herself, before poking her thumb through the plastic to reveal which Hatchimals Pixies character was hiding inside.

Once you have cracked the Hatchimals Pixies egg, you can then snap and break off the soft pieces of shell to remove the character, who is standing on her little Pixie bed inside.

Hatchimals Pixies / Fairy Character

Erin loved the little Pixie character she found inside her Hatchimals Pixies egg – she had Glittering GiGi, who has sparkly turquoise hair, big blue eyes and a cute little leaf dress. The wings on the back are made from rubber material that really wobble and ‘flutter’ as you move the Pixie around.

The lower half of the egg is then kept to house the Pixie bed and when the bed is lifted up, a little blind bag is hiding inside, in which there are 3 surprise accessories for the Hatchimals Pixie.

Hatchimals Pixies Blind Bag

Inside the blind bag Erin had a hair band (which easily slots on to the Hatchimals Pixies’ head with two small holes to secure it in place, and then two other accessories, which can be popped into her hand so she can actually hold them. There is also a small plastic disk which can be used to display or stand your Hatchimals Pixies. There is a definite LOL Surprise doll vibe about the Hatchimals Pixies, particuarly with their glittery hair, and they are similar in size, however unlike LOL dolls, the clothes and heads of the dolls cannot be removed.

Hatchimals Pixies Characters and accessories

From a parents perspective, I loved the fact that the bed can be lifted up out of the base of the egg and the smaller accessories stored inside. Not only did this stop me from finding little pieces of plastic all over my carpet, but also meant that they were less likely to get lost. For those with younger siblings this is also reassuring for parents to know that they couldn’t accidently be picked up by a brother or sister when not being played with.

So whats the verdict?

Erin really liked the Hatchimals Pixies and loved the fact that they were fairy like and had fluttery wings. From my point of view it would be great to see something a bit more interactive about them, for example colour or heat changing dresses. Erin was perfectly happy without these features, however I guess for £7.99 each the finished toy is fairly small for the money. That said, with all of the Hatchimals toys range, the enjoyment is largely about the hatching experience as well as the toy inside.

With 8 Pixie characters and 4 different egg colours, there is of course the chance of getting duplicates, but until you hatch you don’t know which of the two pixies from that location you are going to get. This could make collecting all 8 a little challenging and once hatched, they are a bit less exciting to swap with friends.

Overall I think Hatchimals Pixies are a fun new addition to the Hatchimals range, and no doubt Erin will be keeping an eye out for Wave 2 / Season 2 later in the year.

Hatchimals Pixies are available to buy at Amazon and The Entertainer for £8 each.

*We were sent two Hatchimals Pixies in exchange for our honest review however as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own*

Hatchimals Pixies