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Our refrigerators are one of the most used, valuable, and potentially costly items in our homes. Their daily operations are of utmost importance to our health and well-being. Yet, paradoxically, they are often neglected or overlooked when it comes to maintenance and care. Despite bearing the huge responsibility of preserving our food, many homeowners fail to give their refrigerators the attention they deserve. Here are some worrying signs that you’re not looking after your Whirlpool refrigerator optimally.

Increased Power Bills

The first tell-tale sign you may not be looking after your Whirlpool refrigerator properly is seeing a sudden hike in your power bills. Granted, refrigerators are some of the most energy-intensive appliances in our homes, but an abnormal spike in your monthly power statement might indicate a poorly maintained refrigerator. You might want to check if your appliance is functioning correctly with all the Whirlpool refrigerator parts firmly in place if the brand you use is Whirlpool.

Unpleasant Odours

When you open your refrigerator, that whiff of cold air should smell fresh. If it isn’t, then you’re probably neglecting the hygiene of your Whirlpool refrigerator. It is important to clean your refrigerator regularly and deal with spills immediately they occur to avoid food particles building up and causing odours. 

Abnormal Sounds

While it’s normal to hear your Whirlpool refrigerator humming quietly, any abnormal or loud noises should raise a red flag. If your refrigerator is buzzing, rattling or making any other abnormal sounds, it signifies it needs some TLC. The noises could come from overworking parts that might need lubrication or replacement. Regularly check your refrigerator’s status to ensure it is in peak operating condition.

Food Spoiling Too Quickly

A well-functioning Whirlpool refrigerator should keep your food fresh for a reasonable amount of time. If you notice that your produce or other perishables are spoiling too quickly, it’s a sure sign that your refrigerator isn’t performing optimally. Spoilage is often a result of fluctuating temperatures within your fridge, meaning some parts may not be working as they should. Regular maintenance checks ensure your refrigerator maintains the right temperature.

Frequent Condensation

Condensation inside or on the outside of your Whirlpool refrigerator is a sign that it’s not cooling properly, and it may be a wake-up call for you to pay more attention to your appliance. Do check whether the rubber sealing on your door is damaged. If it is, it may not be sealing the cool air in, thus resulting in condensation.

Chilly or Frozen Food in the Fridge Section

If you’re finding ice build-up or your foods are turning into blocks of ice in the fridge section of your Whirlpool refrigerator, it’s an indication that the temperature settings are off and your refrigerator isn’t performing its best.

Look After Your Whirlpool Refrigerator!

Your refrigerator plays an essential role in your kitchen and is a significant investment. It’s important to give it the care it deserves. Regularly clean and inspect your Whirlpool refrigerator. Check for loose or damaged parts and promptly replace them. Watch for these signs and act on them to ensure a long, healthy life for your refrigerator – after all, it’s there for you 24/7, keeping your food fresh and safe. Don’t forget, that a healthy refrigerator delivers healthy foods!