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As your parents become older, they may begin to experience various mental and physical health challenges that require you to take a more active role in their care. 

This is a situation that many of us can find particularly difficult, as it comes with challenges of its own – both physical and mental. In addition, we’re not used to thinking of our parents as being in need of our help; up until now, it has probably always been the other way around! 

As difficult as it may be, you may also feel that caring for them in their time of need gives you an opportunity to repay your parents for all they’ve done for you over the years- and to make sure they have the best of care as the years go by. 

Not sure how to look after your elderly parents and keep them safe and happy? Here are some top tips to help you make sure they have everything they need for their well-being. 

  • Talk To Your Parents About Their Needs

The very first step you should take is to discuss your parents’ unique requirements with them, as they know best how they’re feeling and what their particular challenges are. 

Of course, this may be easier said than done. You may even feel embarrassed or awkward about having to have this kind of discussion in the first place; but it’s vitally important to get your parents’ insight, as they’re the ones who should have an active say in what kind of support they receive. 

You should also think about your own circumstances. For instance, if you live close to your parents, you may be able to help them with some daily tasks, such as laundry or preparing meals. On the other hand, if you already have too many family responsibilities, or if you live too far away, you may have to help them organise for carers to come and visit them on a regular basis. 

  • Get Them Checked Out

As your parents age, it’s crucial for them to receive regular health checks to make sure everything’s ‘ticking over’. If they have any ongoing health conditions or complaints, this need for frequent monitoring becomes even more pressing. 

If possible, try and arrange specialist care for an elderly parent with a potentially serious condition. for example, if your mum or dad suffers from a heart condition, you should arrange an appointment for them with an experienced cardiologist. 

Living in or around London? The London Medical specialist outpatient clinic has a dedicated cardiology department that can provide world-class care for your elderly parent. Here, you will find an expert team of specialist physicians and nurses, who can offer a holistic form of treatment with the help of state-of-the-art equipment. 

  • Research Your Care Options

If your parents are in relatively fine fettle for their age, then they may not require much assistance and support. However, if they have become frail, suffered a loss of mobility, or developed a serious condition, then they may need regular care or possibly even require the services of a live-in carer. 

To help you make the right decision for their well-being, it’s important to do your research and explore the different options available to you – including any financial assistance your parents (or you, if you act as their carer) may be entitled to. 

If you do decide to take on their care responsibilities yourself, don’t hesitate to take advantage of respite care services, which will give you a well-deserved break and take over your responsibilities so you can focus on your own self-care.