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If you have tried dieting time and time again but never had much success with it, then you will know how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though nothing you do works and that every time you end up at square one again. If you want to make a positive change, then it helps to understand why your diet is failing in the first place.

You are Using Willpower Instead of Science

There is a science to hunger. Most diets that involve you eating less, will trigger hunger. You can only starve yourself for too long because your body has powerful mechanisms that protect you from starvation. Your hunger will increase with time, and you may find that your metabolism slows down to try and conserve as much energy as possible. Eating foods that are low in fat or sugar increases your hunger too. If you want to do something about this then one thing you can do is focus on eating the right foods rather than eating less.

You are Only Focusing on Calories

Eating less calories is the key to losing weight. That being said, some calories contribute to you gaining weight and others contribute to you losing weight. Excess grains trigger a shift in your metabolism and they also spike your insulin. Insulin drives the fuel in your blood, right to your fat cells. Your body thinks that you are starving even though you have just eaten. This leads to increased hunger and a slower metabolism. Have you ever finished a big meal and then felt hungry again an hour later? It all comes down to basic science. One way for you to stop this from happening would be for you to focus on eating foods that are low on the glycemic index. This includes grass-fed meats, vegetables, nuts, fish and seeds. If you can focus on this then it’ll help you to feel better about yourself. If you are struggling with your weight then it could be wise to look into gastric sleeve surgery.

Low-Fat Diet

A lot of people think that they should avoid things like egg yolks as they contain a lot of fat. After all, eggs tend to be higher in calories, but they are good for you. If you eat more fat and less carbs then you may find that you can boost your metabolism and you can also rocket how good you feel about yourself. If you are not quite sure how to adopt a low-carb diet or if you want to make a positive change then make sure that you consult a dietician, as they can work with you to help you understand your body and the results you want to achieve. If you can do this then you will soon find that you feel better about yourself and that you can stop yourself from constantly fueling yourself with the wrong foods.

Why not see if you are making these top dieting mistakes today, and make a positive change to your health?