20 New Mum Pick me Ups

Looking after a little tiny human being is exhausting. In all the hustle and bustle of the day to day, and the sleep deprived zombie like state you can find yourself in after giving birth, it’s often the case that new mums (or Mums in general!) spend so long looking after their little people that they forget to look after themselves.
Having been distinctly lacking in self care for some time, I am now making more of a conscious effort to give myself some regular pick me ups – little things that make me feel just a tiny bit more human and help cope with the trials and tribulations of motherhood!
Here are my 20 New Mum Pick me Ups….
Have a bath – not a shower, not a bath tub full of plastic toys and rubber ducks, but a proper, grown up bath. Pop in your favourite bubble bath, lock the door, and if you can get away with it, pop a glass of wine on the windowsill. Your other half can cope with the baby for a little while.
Give yourself a Bio Oil Massage- this is perfect for dry skin and ideal for reducing the signs of cellulite, stretch marks and the severity of your c section scar (only use once it has healed). I find even the process of spending 5 minutes before bed to massage it gently into my skin helps me to relax, and the smell is soothing and familiar.
Book a Hair appointment – if you’re anything like me you will have stayed away from the hairdressers whilst pregnant, scared that colouring your hair could affect the baby, and as such, your post partum hair is long, slightly out of shape and lacking in colour and shine. Now that your baby is here, it’s time to give yourself a pick me up of the hair variety, whether that’s a trim, a cut and colour or a full restyle. Do what feels right for you. Whilst you may be suffering from post partum hair loss, a cut can actually help prevent losing even more due to brittle or damaged hair.
Dance in the kitchen – dance with anyone who will dance with you! Put on your favourite song and bust some moves. Whether your a mosher, a prancer, a wannabe ballerina or a ‘dad dancer’ – no one is watching! Enjoy it.
Read a good book – give yourself 5 minutes a day to try and read some of your book. Put your phone down and read- not a magazine, not a kindle, not something on your phone or tablet, but a real life, ‘new book smell’ physical book. I’m currently reading Happy by Ferne Cotton, all about finding the joy in every day and letting go of perfect. Gone are the days when I can sit and read for hours, but a quick 5 minutes whilst Neve naps or just before bed is therapeutic for the soul!
Watch a funny movie or the Friends Boxset – they say laughter is the best medicine and I couldn’t agree more. A good giggle is just the tonic, with Friends always being my go to classic – (see my top 10 friends moments)
Paint or file your nails – whilst you may be feeling far from glamourous, a quick flick of polish on your nails, can at least make you feel like you have had some ‘me’ time. It also gives the illusion that you are totally in control (she even had time to do her nails!), even when you are totally winging it 90% of the time.
Spray on your favourite perfume – ideally one that reminds you of a special event or occasion – the perfume you wore on your wedding day, the one from your first date, something that instantly takes you back to that moment. Scents can be powerful stuff!
Go for a walk in the woods – whilst exercise probably feels like the last thing you will feel like doing, it can be hugely beneficial. Go for a walk in the woods, baby carrier or pushchair in tow, and embrace the peace and tranquillity. If you have older children, they will love picking up sticks or spotting the birds, whilst you can get blow the cobwebs away and make youself feel just that little bit more human.
Book yourself in for a facial or massage – whilst I appreciate this means asking someone to watch the children and thus might not always be possible, a professional facial or massage can be just the treat your body needs. I had a new mum pamper treatment just after Erin was born, and it was quite literally the most relaxing thing I have ever experienced! Heaven.
Buy some fresh flowers for your home – even when the rest of your house looks like a cross between a crèche and pig sty, that one little corner of happiness will bring you pleasure!
Sit for 5 minutes and do NOTHING. Literally NOTHING. Just sit and breathe. This is actually a lot harder than it sounds, but it’s amazing what 5 minutes out of the day to day can do for your soul.
Stop comparing yourself to others- comparison really is the thief of joy – if it’s working for you and it’s making you happy then don’t worry about what anyone else is doing.
Ring a friend, or even better face time one. Being a new mum can sometimes mean you don’t get to talk with your friends as much as you used to, and it can be lonely. A quick 5 minute chat can remind you that they’re still there for you, just as much as they always were!
Eat some greens – whilst you probably feel like stuffing your face with chocolate, what you eat can actually have a huge impact on how your feel, with carbs and high sugar foods leaving you feeling more lethargic and tired than you probably already did! Eat green vegetables, lots of protein and foods high in vitamin C, and trust me, you will feel better for it.
Dose up your vitamin D – if the sun is shining, try and get outside, and feel those rays on your face (with sun protection of course!)
Have a social media break – put away your phone in the evenings and talk to your partner – it’s easy to forget they were your first love before the children came along!
Cloud watching – go to your local park and see what animals you can make out of the clouds – children love this too, and not only is it incredibly calming for you, but it keeps them quiet and entertained for a little while as well!
Treat yourself to a new item of clothing – not a nursing bra or a breast feeding top, but something that reminds you of the original you! A nice new pair of knickers, a new handbag, something that will feel like an extravagant purchase, just for you.
Chocolate. Eaten in the pantry. No explanation needed.
What else would you recommend as a New Mum pick me up?
*This is a collaborative post*