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3 Causes Of Toothache That Aren’t Tooth Decay

3 Causes Of Toothache That Aren’t Tooth Decay

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Do you constantly wake up with pain in or around your mouth? You can’t quite pinpoint where it’s coming from, but it’s always there. When it first came around, you thought you could ignore it as it’ll just go away in a few days. Sadly, your worst fears have come true; the pain isn’t leaving, and now you have to deal with it. 

A trip to the dentist is on the cards, but a lot of people are afraid to go. You’re not particularly scared of going to the dental clinic, it’s more that you’re worried about how much this will cost. You don’t want to splash the cash on expensive fillings or root canal treatments, and the procedures are hardly enjoyable either. 

What if you were told that your toothache may have nothing to do with tooth decay or cavities at all? Your teeth may actually be perfectly healthy. So, what’s causing the pain? It could be a number of things, but these three are the most common causes: 

A sore jaw

Your jaw muscles work overtime every single day. In fact, they’re the most active muscles in your body as you’re always eating, talking, etc. As such, it’s fairly common for the muscles and tendons to get inflamed and feel really sore. There’s a high chance this is your problem if you lightly massage your jaw and feel temporary relief. Also, if it hurts more when chewing then that’s a big sign. It should go away eventually, just try to avoid really chewy foods for a few days and keep massaging your jaw. 

Sensitive teeth

A highly common cause of a toothache that has nothing to do with tooth decay. People with sensitive teeth typically have worn tooth enamel. You’ll know if this is your problem because hot or cold food/drink really sets off your toothache. If your mouth feels relatively fine other than when eating or drinking, it’s probably this issue. It can be fixed with special toothpaste that desensitizes your teeth, so it’s not a big problem to worry about – provided you have seen a dentist and there is no tooth decay present!

Neck pain

That’s right, neck pain can actually feel like a toothache in some scenarios. There are muscles in your neck that help you swallow and attach further up to your jaw. You might not have any issues chewing, but it hurts a bit when you swallow – especially when turning your head to one side. If you touch your neck and feel up towards your jaw, you may experience some tenderness. This should let you know that the pain isn’t tooth-related at all but actually has to do with your neck. 

Overall, a toothache is right up there with migraines or headaches as one of the most annoying pains you can experience. The whole point of this post is to explain that tooth decay isn’t always the problem. Don’t be afraid to see a dental expert when your mouth is hurting. If you can’t see any black spots on your teeth, the chances are the pain comes from one of these problems instead. All of these are easily treatable without the need for expensive dental surgery.

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