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3 Considerations To Make When Purchasing Old Property

3 Considerations To Make When Purchasing Old Property

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Real estate with a real history to it can be tremendously exciting to invest in or move into, because there’s nothing quite like living in a place where generations have come before. In some cases, you may even be lucky enough to live in a converted home that may have had a purpose beforehand, like an old bakery or smithery where the hallmark architectural features still remain to some degree.

However, purchasing old property is, of course, going to require some preparation to make the best use of. It’s important to know what you’re getting into in advance, because while the age of a building can increase its value, it’s also true that it may require more maintenance or other provisions to be safe or comfortable to live in.

Outside of the amusing perspective like wondering if an older house has more of a chance of being haunted (in which case you may need a Ghostbusting vacuum machine), we’re going to give you some practical tips you can use from day one, or before you move into the property:

Reinstallation Insulation

Old properties tend to have poorer insulation, and at a time where you no doubt wish to look for the most energy efficiency possible, replacing this is key. But it may be that in an old property, simply replacing the roofing felt is not quite enough. This is why it could be worthwhile to replace the windows to double or triple glazing, or perhaps implementing draught excluders, replacing the door into and out of each area, and opting for additional, exterior filtration heating systems can be a great idea.

Removing Asbestos

It’s a shame and quite worrying to say, but some properties, especially older buildings, may still be lined with asbestos. This is, of course, potentially very damaging to health, as asbestos has been known to cause severe respiratory conditions or even lung cancer. Do not attempt to remove the asbestos yourself. With an asbestos removal service you can ensure all areas of your house are inspected and asbestos is removed professionally, with nothing left after the professional entity leaves. This can grant you a great deal of peace of mind after the fact, and it may not cause a great property you were about to purchase feel like a tough dealbreaker.

Security & Safety

Old property tends to be a little harder to secure, because the window fittings, door fittings, and other provisions like your gates or fences may be old and in need of replacement. So, investing in those replacements for studier, robust, well-installed models is essential. On top of that, you may renew and replenish certain areas such as a staircase that may need to be refit, or exterior garden pathways that have become unbalanced or less secure than at the time of their installation. Replacing certain areas of the roofing to avoid falling tiles is also an element of wisdom. The more we can integrate effective solutions like this, the better off we are, and the safer we, as occupants, become.

With this advice, we hope you can make the best of your renewed property.

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