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3 Healthcare Jobs That Don’t Require a Lot of Schooling

3 Healthcare Jobs That Don’t Require a Lot of Schooling

*This is a collaborative post

Have you ever considered going back to work, starting a whole new career, or even getting a new degree? If you’ve been out of the working world for a while or you didn’t go to college, it doesn’t mean that you can’t find a successful and fulfilling career that works with your family’s schedule and your existing lifestyle. 

It’s easy to think that working in the healthcare industry automatically requires a lot of expensive schooling and training, but that isn’t true for so many high-paying jobs in the medical field. If you’ve ever considered a career in health and have a knack for helping people, let’s look at some of the best healthcare jobs that don’t require you to go to med school!

Dental Hygienist

You’re probably on your kids to brush their teeth multiple times a day! But, being a dental hygienist is different. If working on people’s mouths doesn’t bother you, this can be a great career that allows you to help people who might be experiencing any kind of oral pain. 

Dental hygienists are responsible for cleaning patients’ teeth, taking x-rays, and assessing a patient’s overall health. Most hygienists only need an associate’s degree and an appropriate license, which can take about two years to get. 

Healthcare Administration

If the healthcare industry interests you but you don’t want to work directly with medicine, why not consider a more administrative option? 

Healthcare administrators are typically responsible for everything from budgeting to scheduling. It’s their job to oversee the daily operations of a healthcare facility and to make sure everything is running smoothly. 

You don’t have to go to school for years in order to become a healthcare administrator. In fact, you can get an online MHA degree in just over two years, depending on your existing credits!

Physical Therapy Assistant

Physical therapists can help to restore a person’s quality of life and get them moving again. While it can take many years to become a licensed PT, it doesn’t take as long to become a physical therapy assistant. It typically requires a two-year program, in which you’ll spend some of your time in a classroom and some of your time working under the direction of a therapist. 

On the job, you’ll work directly with patients under the supervision of the PT, and you can work anywhere from private practices, to rehabilitation centers, or even hospitals. This is a great option for people who really want to make a difference and develop individual relationships with patients. If you consider yourself a “people person,” this could be the perfect career for you. 

Making a Difference in the World of Medicine

These jobs are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to breaking into the healthcare industry without dedicating several years to intensive schooling. You can find a satisfying career helping people and still balance out your family life at home. 

Remember, it’s never too late to try a new career or to go back to school to achieve your goals. Keep these jobs in mind if you have an interest in healthcare, and don’t be afraid to do your own research. You may have a dream job waiting for you that you haven’t considered before.

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