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3 Steps To Stop Feeling Sore When Carrying Your Kids

3 Steps To Stop Feeling Sore When Carrying Your Kids

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Few things are as disheartening as going to pick up your kids and feeling sore as you lift them up. You want to carry them around, yet you’re aching in different places, your muscles feel tired and you’ve no choice but to put them down. It’s a reality check for every parent in this situation; you know something has to change and it’s time to take your health seriously

Soreness won’t stop overnight but you can follow a three-step plan to gradually stop it and make simple tasks like carrying your kids less of a burden. 

Step 1: Lift Weights

Carrying your kids might seem difficult because you’re not strong enough. And fair enough, most people don’t spend their lives lifting heavy things in the air! Train yourself to be stronger by lifting weights. Strength training is insanely beneficial and will give you stronger muscles and better muscular endurance. Don’t worry, you won’t turn into a massive bodybuilding machine; strength training simply helps you be strong so lifting your kids no longer feels like a big effort. 

Step 2: Improve Your Mobility

Incorporate some mobility work alongside strength training. This helps you stretch tight muscles and improve joint flexibility. Lifting your kids can still feel tough when you’re strong because some joints aren’t mobile enough. For instance, you get a nagging pain in your shoulder when carrying them because your shoulder mobility sucks. Follow a few daily mobility routines to improve joint alignment and have a healthier body overall. 

It’s very important to do both strength and mobility training together as they complement one another. Strength training ensures your joints are stable in their new range of motion from the mobility work. Otherwise, you could end up with extremely mobile joints but no strength/stability, leading to more problems! 

Step 3: Soothe Any Problem Areas

Speaking of problems, are there any specific areas that feel super tight or sore when carrying your kids? For some, it could be the neck while others always feel a stiffness in their lower back. Each to their own – strength/mobility training should help in the long run – and you can get short-term relief by using gels or creams to soothe the problem areas. 

Consider a simple CBD cream to infuse your muscles and encourage relaxation. This can melt away muscle knots and give relief to the troublesome areas when carrying your kids. Heat gels are good as well, encouraging blood flow to the area so the soreness melts away. Targeting the problem areas while focusing on long-term solutions through strength and mobility training will help you see permanent results. 

Be consistent with these three steps and you’ll start noticing changes. Your kids suddenly feel lighter! You’re not groaning as you pick them up and you can keep them in your arms or on your shoulders for much longer. Other daily tasks are easier too – like carrying heavy shopping bags – and you stop feeling twinges or getting lots of soreness after. As a consequence, you’re encouraged to be a more active parent. You don’t shy away from playing with your kids or picking them up and messing around, and you also find it easier to help around the house or while doing other chores for your partner

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