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3 Ways To Avoid Burnout As A Working Mom

3 Ways To Avoid Burnout As A Working Mom

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Gone are the days of a woman’s place being in the home, with working mums now more common than ever before – whether that’s working in an office or juggling small businesses from home and looking after small children. In any modern workforce, women on average account for around half, therefore, its crucial they find a way to have a good work-life balance to balance their home and career.

Achieveing good work life balance can be especially difficult when working from home on a self-employed basis because parents can often finding themselves working when they could be spending time with their family. Supporting your family is important, but so is looking after yourself and your mental helath while being a working mom. 

Let’s have a look at some of the ways that you can look after yourself and avoid burnout as a working mum below: 

Make Work As Low Stress As Possible 

It is much easier said than done to make sure that you have a low-stress job.  However, while you can’t always change the work that you do, you can review the way that you do it. Whether you’re working from home or self employed, taking small steps to reduce stress as much as possible can have a huge impacct. While one of the big benefits of working from home is the ability to manage your own schedule, it is still helpful to stick to some sort of routine and have a rough schedule in place. This allows you to plan better, ensure you reserve time for yourself, life admin and your family – reducing stress massively by releiving that constant juggle. 

Take Care Of Your Health 

When you are juggling working and looking after a family, it can be easy to forget about looking after yourself. When you are a working mom, it is extremely important for you to make sure that you are not heading towards burnout. At the end of the day, you need to be healthy for your work, and you’ll also need it for your family; therefore, your health should be a priority. Get in touch with female doctors and have a checkup once a year to make sure that you are as healthy as you can be. You should also make sure that you are keeping your eye on any issues. If there is anything you are concerned about, get yourself seen by a medical professional as soon as possible. 

Set Realistic Goals 

When you are a working mom, you often have extremely high expectations of yourself. You want to look after your family as best as you can, and you also want to make sure you are achieving in your work. You need to avoid setting unrealistic goals for yourself as this can just make you feel as though you aren’t doing your best and lead to you feeling overloaded. Recognise that as a working mom, you need to work towards small goals that lead to larger ones and take each day as it comes.

These are three things that you can do to avoid burnout as a working mom. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share them in the comments below.  

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