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4 Reasons Why You Might Be Experiencing Body Aches

4 Reasons Why You Might Be Experiencing Body Aches

We all get random aches and pains from time to time, but the problem is it can be difficult to determine what the actual cause of it is, and whether or not you should be concerned. Is it just a simple ache as a result of exercise? Or is it a sign of an underlying issue that you should act on as soon as possible? Well, a lot of the time it can be caused by everyday solvable issues, but you should still try to act on it quickly.

It’s a sign that your body is struggling with the amount of pressure or tension, so the less you have to deal with that, the better.

A lack of sleep

No one likes being up all night, but when you have deadlines to meet, or responsibilities to take care of – it’s easy to let those take up some of your sleeping hours.  The problem is, you need that sleep if you’re going to maintain your health. Sleep loss harms your mind and body, and you’re going to notice a lot more aching if you’re a few days behind on your sleep.

You may be more susceptible to inflammation all over your body, as well as various joint pains, like in your lower back. Without the necessary rest your body needs, you’re more susceptible to aches and even stress.

Be sure to work yourself into a steady sleep schedule and be strict with what time you go to bed. If you’re having trouble sleeping, irregular sleep times may be the cause. 

You’re stressed

Stress is a normal experience that most of us go through on an almost daily basis, whether it’s a little or a lot – it can be a great motivator. With that said, too much stress can have a negative impact on your body, and aside from the mental health side effects, stress can cause your body to ache. 

As you become more stressed, your immune system will struggle to fight off infections and illnesses, which is what causes your body to ache. On top of that, you may be a lot tenser as a result of the stress – which will result in muscle aches.

Finding the time to unwind and blow off some steam can be a great way to reduce your stress, and it’s important that you’re able to. Letting your stress weigh on you for too long can have serious effects on both the body and your mental health.


If you’ve recently started to feel a lot of aching in your body, or you’ve woken up with aches – it could be a result of recent exercise that you’ve done. Even if it didn’t come around during the period in which you were working out, it could be a result of you trying something new or pushing yourself to do more than you’re used to doing. This is known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS.

This is a completely normal bodily response to exercise that it’s not used to – so if you’re planning to get onto a new workout, take it slow and know your limits! The harder you push yourself, the more you’re going to ache.

If you’ve injured yourself while working out and your aches don’t seem to be going away, it would be a good idea to schedule an Osteopathy for sports injury session to get it sorted. Your aches may be due to an injury, and not just a normal response to more exercise.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Not every ache and pain you feel is a consequence of what you do in the day, sometimes they cannot be avoided. Feeling your body aches frequently, or feeling weak on a daily basis can sometimes happen no matter how much rest you’re getting, or how little you’re exerting your body. This is called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS. If you feel aches on a daily basis with seemingly no cause, you should get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible. 

If your aches don’t seem to go away within a few days, it could be a sign of an underlying condition that requires the attention of a medical professional. You should never leave these things unchecked, as the sooner you act on an illness or disease – the better you’ll be able to deal with it. Even if you do have a minor condition, your doctor can help you come to a solution to quicken your recovery, and help you to avoid it in the future.

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