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4 Ways To Make Moving Less Of A Hassle

4 Ways To Make Moving Less Of A Hassle

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When you initially sign a lease, it seems like it’ll be simple to move out of your apartment when the time comes. But for many renters, that isn’t the case. Moving is one of the most stressful experiences in life and something that most people will go through at least three times in their lifetime. If you’re planning on moving or know that your lease is coming to an end soon, read these 6 tips to make moving less of a hassle so you can get back to your normal routine as soon as possible. There are several things you can do now – or in advance – to make moving day less hectic and more organized. Whether your current lease has another month or two left or it’s almost up, there are some small things you can do now so that you don’t have to deal with stress again later on.

Plan Your Move

When you first move into your new apartment, try to envision how your life will look in a year from now, or two, or even three. You might tell yourself that it will be easy to move out, but will you really want to go through all the hassle of packing, cleaning, and finding a new place to live? If you think about the future and how much easier it will be to move out when you have a job, are established in your career, and have a bit of extra cash saved up, moving will be a lot less stressful. If you’re moving from an apartment to a house or a condo, you will encounter different challenges. For instance, buying new furniture and appliances could be expensive- luckily, there are ways to save money on these vital purchases.

Check Out Your New Neighbourhood

The best way to prepare yourself for moving is to check out your new neighbourhood. Having familiarity with the area will make the whole experience more seamless and will help you feel less stressed out. You’ll be able to focus on the move instead of trying to get to know your new surroundings at the same time. If you’re planning to move to a new apartment, try to visit the building in advance. If you’re moving to a new neighbourhood, try to walk around the area to get a feel for the people and the environment. Familiarising yourself with your surroundings will make your transition to your new place even easier.

Have The Right Tools

Whether you’re planning on moving by yourself, or hiring professional movers, you’ll want to make sure you have the right tools for the job. If you’re moving to a new place that has stairs, a hand cart or hand trolley might be helpful. If you’re moving a couch or a bed, make sure you have the right size of mattress or furniture sliders. If you’re moving a TV, it’s a good idea to get a TV mounting bracket so that you don’t have to carry it. No matter where you’re moving to, you’ll need a man and van service to help you transport goods or dispose of junk.

Don’t Forget To Breathe

Moving is stressful, but worrying about it won’t help the situation. It’s important to not stress about your current situation and instead focus on what you can do to help yourself get through it. If you’re stressing about the move, it’ll only make everything worse. Try to take frequent breaks from packing and organizing your stuff. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and lose track of time, but it’s important to take care of yourself so that you don’t end up getting sick.


Moving is a tedious and difficult process for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for people with anxiety. The best thing you can do is plan ahead, and try to stay as organized as possible throughout the process. With a bit of preparation, you can make moving less of a hassle, and get back to your daily routine as soon as possible.


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