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5 must haves for a family friendly garden

5 must haves for a family friendly garden

We have had a great Summer, and whilst the nights are now starting to draw in and our days playing outside becoming less frequent than they were, I still feel incredibly blessed to have been able to make the most of the sunshine outside in the garden with the girls. We are very lucky to have a large garden space, and having the security of a family friendly garden offers a huge piece of mind for us as parents, knowing that the girls have everything they need and plenty to play with whilst at the same time being secure and contained in a safe environment.

Having completed our big garden renovation project a few years back, here are my must haves to help create the perfect family friendly garden:


Children LOVE to run, and as such we opted to have a large proportion of our garden kept as grass – perfect for skipping, gambolling and practicing those dance routines!! We personally opted for roll lay turf however it is not for everyone, especially if your other half isn’t a fan of mowing – it is quite a lot of upkeep and does require regular maintenance to keep it looking fresh. In hindsight and perhaps in a smaller space we would have looked at ‘fake grass‘ – or artificial grass as a more convenient alternative. Not only would this have reduced the amount of time Mike has to spend mowing and strimming, but also guarantee some much needed colour in our garden all year around, even in those dark winter months! If it get’s too much, we may consider paying a gardener to come in and help with some of the bigger jobs, but for now, we (the royal we that is) tend to be managing ok!

Soft Landings

Children inevitably fall over – a LOT, so when creating our play area (with slides, swings and a mini trampoline) we looked at a variety of different floor coverings to ensure the girls didn’t graze or bruise too significantly if they were to take a tumble. After quite a lot of research we opted for Rubber Chippings, which are available in a variety of colours should you wish to create a brighter environment. We opted for the fairly natural looking dark brown, with the added benefit of being a weed repellent.

A quality play house

In my opinion, every child’s garden needs a playhouse, whether it’s a wooden traditional Wendy style house or a plastic open plan style. There is something really special about watching a child’s imagination come to life. We opted for the Littles Tikes Go Green playhouse – which not only looks fantastic but teaches the girls about being eco friendly – with features including the grass roof, solar panel lighting and water butt. This playhouse becomes a McDonalds drive through and a shop on a regular basis, with Erin peeping her head out the window and asking for our order!

Grow your own

Growing your own fruit and veg is the perfect way to teach children about where their food comes from – starting with easy foods like strawberries and runner beans all the way through to potatoes, lettuce and peppers. Having grown a variety of veg last year, Erin found it fascinating watching just how quickly the shoots grew, and the job of chief picker was a very exciting responsibility. If you don’t have space for full on planters and vegetable patches, you can grow using growbags on your patio – you don’t need a big plot or a big budget to get involved with home growing, and the excitement on their faces as the seeds start to grow is worth every bit of investment in time and effort!

Garden Games

Having some garden games for those summer afternoons or family gatherings can be great way to encourage children to spend time outside in the fresh air outdoors as opposed to sat behind a tech screen. There is no nicer feeling than al fresco dining with the barbeque followed by a family game of Jenga, Five in a Row or French boules. Not only is this quality time spent together as a family, but also encourages the girls to share.

What makes your garden family friendly?


*This is a collaborative post* 

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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