5 Signs Your Child Needs a Tutor

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Sometimes tuition is needed in order to help your child along, give them a wider understanding of certain subjects and give them a different perspective. But it can also be because they’re struggling with homework, mock exams or dislike the subject in general. Here in this guide from a boarding school in East Sussex we look at 5 signs your child might need a tutor.
1 – They’re looking to achieve grades for a certain purpose
A lot of people assume that tutors are only for those that are struggling, but it’s actually good for a lot of purposes. If your child’s looking to achieve certain GCSE or A Level grades in order to progress in a chosen career, then having extra tuition to make that happen can go a long way into motivating them.
2 – They have a genuine interest in the subject and want to learn more about it
A part of tuition is also a way of getting children interested in learning more about specific subjects. Tuition and regular sessions around drama, for instance, gives a child a way of developing their passion in a chosen subject. They’re also learning a lot more from having an extra number of lessons each week where they can learn away from the usual school curriculum.
3 – Children are falling behind the other students
Another common reason why tuition is considered is when there’s a lack of understanding from your child. Tuition isn’t seen as a negative, and shouldn’t be seen as such, but it does give your child a lot more confidence if they know they’ll do better in core subjects at school. Examples of the most common courses children receive tuition for are English, Maths and the Sciences.
4 – They regularly miss important lessons during the school year
Your child might have fallen unwell, had to attend to a personal matter or even missed a lesson for regular dental appointments. There are certain circumstances that schools have to allow, so tuition for them can act as a safety net for them to get back on track with their studies.
5 – Your child isn’t enjoying school
Tuition can motivate your child to be excited by school and studies again as they’re seeing a different side to a subject they’re usually not excited about. Remind your child that they will need to learn some subjects until they finish school, like Maths and Science, so trying to get them motivated again about the subjects they dislike can give them a new level of confidence.