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Are You Accidentally Making Your Home Dirty When Cleaning It?

*This is a collaborative post

Cleaning our homes is something we all do. We all like to break a vacuum out and get all of that fluff off of the floor, or get a duster on the ceiling to get all of those cobwebs, and we spend a good portion of our weeks cleaning up after ourselves. It’s hygienic, and it makes for much cozy living! 

Which means it’s key to know about the possibility that you’re making your home all dirty all over again when trying to clean it. Don’t worry, it’s a mistake we all make, but it’s one that’s easily rectified with a few adjustments in your cleaning routine or equipment. 

So, without further ado, let’s go through a few of the things to keep in mind the next time you clean your home. 

Use Different Cloths and/or Dusters

When it comes to cleaning, one of the golden rules is to use a different cloth or duster for every single room. When you do this, you ensure that you’re never just transferring dirt from one place to another, and you have a clean slate to work with whenever the time comes to move on. 

But to better ensure that you’re cleaning up, rather than making things dirty and covered in germs again, try to have a different cloth for every single surface in your home. After all, you wouldn’t use something you’ve cleaned the toilet to wipe down the kitchen counters as well, so why accidentally apply the rule everywhere else in your home? 

You might also want to invest in a good set of microfiber cleaning cloths too, as they’re made to be reusable. You can put them to wash in the washing machine, ensuring they’re clean through thoroughly, and you’ll have enough cloths on hand to allocate one for every room of your home. 

Clean Out Your Vacuum

Your vacuum is going to need cleaning from time to time, especially after vacuuming up a heavy bit of dirt on the carpet, like a clump of hair from either your own head or a favourite pet! Make sure you turn the vacuum upside down to pull out the worst offenders that have stuck and wrapped their way around the driver belt. Even just cutting it out quickly with a pair of scissors can save the entirety of your vacuum’s inner system for another day! 

Of course, your work doesn’t stop there though. Sometimes you will have to delve into your vacuum to clean it out, and even replace some parts if you see extensive damage within the pieces. Indeed, you can shop for electrolux vacuum spare parts all over the internet, so you won’t be hard pressed to find a repair shop near you!

One of the main warning signs to look for is easy to spot. You’re going to want to make sure the filter is clean, and not clogged up with all kinds of dust and other debris. If it is, you need to either do your best to clean it or swap it out. When you’ve got a used up filter, not only is your vacuum going to do a terrible job of trying to pick things up from the carpet, but you might just be blowing even more dust out and onto the very floor you’re trying to clean. 

Dry Out Your Toilet Brush

You’re also going to want to think about the way you clean your bathroom, because there’s a good chance a few mistakes are taking place here too. Your toilet brush is an incredibly useful tool for cleaning the toilet, and ensuring you never have to stick your hands too far in there, but the holder it’s placed in afterwards could be a breeding ground for germs. If you’re someone who doesn’t let the toilet brush dry out after use, and put it straight back, you’re at danger of this!

Let the toilet brush dry off, at least a little, before you put it back. You can do this via holding it as you go about the rest of your bathroom business, or letting it sit on a wad of tissue you can simply flush away afterwards. And making sure you’re wearing some kind of protective gloves whilst you clean your toilet too! 

Clean out the Sink

Next, make sure you clean out the sink, if you don’t do so already. The sink can have all kinds of things tipped down it or washed in it, and trust us, it can suffer as a result of this! So, you’ll want to pay it some special attention, especially in and around the plug hole itself. 

Sinks can be another breeding ground for bacteria and other germs, thanks to how food particles and dirty water can leave behind stains and build ups whenever they’re tipped away. Who knows how much food you have to scrape away within a week, or how much water is left standing and dirty every time you wash something up? 

So just to be safe, let’s make sure you know how to disinfect your sink. One of the easiest and simplest things you can do is wipe it down – use the tap, get a microfiber cloth, and then wipe it down with a bit of normal dish soap. You could also use domestic cleaning sprays or solutions, but if you don’t have any at home, the former method should work just fine. 

How Clean is Your House?

Don’t worry, inspectors aren’t going to suddenly turn up, and you can be sure your house is always in a liveable clean state. You already know your home needs cleaning at least once a week! With people traipsing in and out every day, and all kinds of waste being thrown away, it’s a must!

But make sure you’re cleaning up after yourself just right. You don’t want to commit any of the mistakes above and let the place get even more filthy – now you know, you can always be aware! 


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