Are you ready for the unexpected? 7 things you should do after a car accident

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Thousands of car accidents happen each year here in the U.S, however, that doesn’t mean that we expect any of these misfortunes to happen to us. Whether you’re running errands, dropping your kids off at football practice or heading home from work, car accidents can happen at any time and for a wide variety of reasons.
But what if the cause of the accident was the negligence of the other driver and you’re not at fault? Well, it may be in your best interest to pursue a personal injury claim – you can find out more about Pittsburgh car accident lawyers here – but what about in the immediate aftermath of the incident?
Read on for 7 things you should do after a car accident.
Stay calm
This is important for a number of reasons. The main one being your safety and being calm enough to move your vehicle away from any other forms of immediate danger. When you’ve been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may feel anger and frustration at the other driver, especially if your family are involved too – however, getting angry won’t help the situation or even your claim. Do your best to remain calm.
Check for injuries
Are you hurt? Any cuts, bruises or broken bones? Maybe you banged your head during impact – if so, it’s important to call the emergency services as soon as possible or get someone else to do it for you. Also, check your passengers for any injuries too.
Move your vehicle
If the cars involved are still in working order then your next step is to get yours off the main road and out of the path of oncoming traffic. Once your vehicle is out of the way, if everyone is able to, exit the vehicle and stand a safe distance away from it.
Call the police
It is a legal requirement for the police to be called after a traffic collision. Even if the accident was a minor one, calling the police means that you’re abiding by the law and can also utilise the police report in both your insurance and personal injury claim. When the police arrive, don’t try to guess what happened, simply explain what happened to you. If you’re unsure of what occurred, avoid speculation and even fabricating the event.
Start gathering evidence
You may be unsure if you want to pursue a personal injury claim at this stage, however, it would be prudent to gather evidence for your personal records or in case you do wish to start legal proceedings. Take photographs of the damage to both vehicles – this will also prevent any ridiculous claims of damage from the other party. Take note of the weather and get the names and contact details of any witnesses. Photograph your injuries too.
Get the other drivers details
Avoid a confrontation by remaining calm. Do no use accusatory language or apologise even casually as this could be seen as you admitting fault. Simply get their name, contact information and insurance details.
Speak with your attorney / seek legal advice.
Reach out to your attorney as soon as possible to discuss a potential compensation claim.