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Busy Mum Hacks to Save You Time Around the House

Busy Mum Hacks to Save You Time Around the House

*This is a collaborative post

As a busy mum you barely have time to think about yourself. Your mind is constantly racing as you wonder what needs to be done in the house next. Your to do list never ends and your brain never switches off, but what if it didn’t have to be this way? Whether you’re getting your garden ready for spring or rethinking your storage solutions, there are a number of ways that you can save time around the house. Imagine having a couple more hours in your day? This would be life changing for you; it would actually give you time to sit down and relax for once. Consider some of the following busy mum hacks and you will save so much time around the house.

Find Low Maintenance Solutions for Your Garden

When have you ever found a spare minute in the day to tend to your garden? Finding low maintenance solutions for your garden is a must do activity; make sure you see this as a priority right now! Take a look at and you will find a whole host of options to suit your needs. Taking the stress out of gardening will definitely make your life so much easier as a busy mum.

Start a Chore Chart

Even though you’re the mother hen, it doesn’t mean that you have to deal with every single job in the household. If you kids are old enough you need to get them on board with doing chores. Even if it’s just making their bed in the morning or putting their laundry in the correct basket, every little helps!

Batch Cook Your Meals

You constantly find yourself slaving away in the kitchen without much to show for it. You spend a couple of hours preparing a delicious and nutritious meal for your family and within minutes it is all eaten up. Try to double the portion sizes when you cook a big meal. Hopefully this means you will have enough leftovers for another day. Batch cooking is a lifesaving technique for mums who don’t have time to slave away over the stove every single evening.

Invest in Simple Storage Solutions

Getting your house into a more organised state is very important when you’re always busy. When you can’t find something it usually means that there wasn’t a safe place to put it anyway. Investing in savvy storage solutions around your home will make your life so much easier. From drawer separators to stacking boxes, there are so many options for you to explore.

Hopefully these ideas have sparked some inspiration and given you the motivation to try them out for yourself. You don’t deserve to be rushed off your feet at all hours of the day; now is your chance to change your habits and make your housework more manageable. Put these ideas into action now and you will soon be on the right track to gaining some precious time back in your day.


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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