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Can Weight Loss Be Fun? Yes. Here’s How!

Can Weight Loss Be Fun? Yes. Here’s How!

*This is a collaborative post

Let’s face it, losing weight is not the most exciting thing on earth. Gym sessions can get boring after some time and the lack of motivation can derail your weight loss plans. However, injecting some fun into losing weight can turn things around and help you stay on the right path. So, here are a few ways to shed those extra pounds and have fun while you are at it.

Inject Music into It

Silent workouts are boring and this is why many gyms pump music into the gym as you work out. But what if you do not have time to go to the gym? Well, you can put on your headphones and listen to a playlist of your favourite songs. Good music gets the adrenaline flowing, boosts your endurance levels and can give you the push you need to complete a workout.

If you use other activities such as cleaning or walking to lose weight, you can also incorporate some music into these activities to help you get moving and burning extra calories.

Gamify It

Gamifying your weight loss programme means injecting some fun and games into the journey. A great way of doing this is setting up some challenges for yourself. For example, you can try to go an increasing number of days without consuming foods that are high in fats or sugars. You can then chart these numbers of days or put stars against a set number of days you go without consuming fats or sugars.

If you want to involve other people, get a fitness app. The fitness app can help you set up challenges between you and your friends. For example, you can try to see who gets the most steps in over the course of a week. In addition, a fitness app can help track your weight and show you if you are hitting our weight loss, exercise and diet goals.

Eat Often

One of the things that make weight loss a drag is when you skip meals to reduce the number of calories you consume. While it is true that doing this will reduce your caloric intake, the effects of doing so will not be any fun. You may experience hunger pangs, headaches and weariness. Any or all of these things will make it harder to get through the day.

Instead of going about it this way, why not consume fewer calories more frequently? There are lots of low-calorie meal options on the market to make it possible. For example, Shake That Weight has several meal replacement options that contain casein protein. Casein protein is digested slowly and is released into the bloodstream over 4 hours. This means that you consume fewer calories, eat less often and do not experience hunger pangs associated with reducing your caloric intake. Shake That Weight also has other weight loss products including bars, noodles, shakes and ready meals, all of which are affordable, taste great and have a limited number of calories to support your weight loss efforts.

Go Outdoors

As mentioned, the gym can get boring really fast for some people. If this is you, you can try to switch things up by going outdoors. Running around the neighbourhood doing a couch to 5k programme can be the change of scenery you need, as is riding a bike in the park on a sunny weekend morning. Other activities you can try include hiking, taking your dog for a walk, joining an amateur water sport team or playing with the kids in the park.

Reward Yourself

For some people, knowing they are working towards something can be the motivation they need to keep working on their weight loss goals. The rewards you set should be related to some achievement. For example, you could get yourself a relaxing massage for every 5 or 10 pounds you lose. If you decide to use a food treat such as ice cream as a reward, try to ensure that you do not go overboard as doing so will roll back some of the positive results you have achieved.

Do You Love Dancing?

Dancing can be a fun and effective way to get your body moving and to lose some weight. If you can go out, try to get your friends to go out dancing with you. You will burn some calories, have some fun and get some cardio workout in the process.

You can also try to see what classes your gym has to offer. You can sign up for a Zumba or ballet class depending on your level of comfort. 

Losing weight is not the most glamorous or exciting thing you can do, but that does not mean you cannot have some fun while you are at it. Apart from having fun, ensure you are always making some progress and feeding both your body and mind as this makes your weight loss journey easier.

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