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Defying the Aging Process for Sleep Deprived Parents

Defying the Aging Process for Sleep Deprived Parents

*AD – This is a collaborative post. 

Parenting has definitely taken its toll. If I look back at photographs of myself before the children have arrived on the scene, the difference is quite frightening. Not only do I look fresh faced and alert (clearly having a full 8 hours sleep a night without fail) but my skin looks bright and firm, my wrinkles are less prominent and there is not a dark circle in sight. Fast forward 6 years, and not only have I got older, but I have most certainly aged beyond those years, with sleep deprivation most certainly having an impact on my skin.

I was recently sent some serums from Pro Co. to help take better care of my skin, and used together, they are intended for use both day and night. Vegan friendly and 98% plastic free, the Pro Co. serums sounded like a great eco-friendly approach to help me pay more attention to my skincare routine and come at an affordable price point of just £7.99 each. Here’s how I got on!

The Eye Rescue Advanced Formula 

First up was the Eye Rescue Serum. Made from natural ingredients to help fade pigmentation in dark under-eye circles and improve skin microcirculation and help avoid that puffy look that can result after a poor nights sleep. Easy to apply, this liquid based serum is simply applied with one drop under the eyes twice daily (morning and night) and rubbed into the area in circular motions. It soaks in quickly and doesn’t feel sticky or tacky at all. With a super subtle cirtrus like fragrance, the eye rescue advanced formula serum helps your eyes appear lighter and brighter. Whilst I can’t admit to suddenly looking fully alert and awake (Neve’s sleeping is still horrific after all), the holdalls under my eyes do appear slightly reduced (more like your average sized bag instead!)

The Vitamin C Serum

I am really conscious of my skin getting older and the wrinkles are certainly becoming more prominent. Whilst laughter lines are obviously a positive, I hate the thought of my skin getting dry and rough. The 20% Vit C serum from Pro Co contains 10 active and natural ingredients to reduce the signs of aging, and on application creates an immediate subtle glow to your skin. Using the Vitamin C Serum aims to reduce signs of aging such as lines, wrinkles, age spots and prevent dull and faded skin. It also contains antioxidents to help lift and firm. Recommended for use twice a day on the face and neck, a small amount goes a long way with just one or two drops easily covering the entire area.

Retinol Serum

For use overnight, the Pro Co. Retinol Serum is an anti-aging formula that delivers deeper penetration into your skin whilst you sleep. After cleansing the skin, one or two drops again is enough to cover the face and neck. A non offensive mild smell and I can go to bed knowing that even when I am up and down out of bed all night, my skin is being looked after!

Having not used Pro Co. products before, I am impressed by their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. In recent months we have being trying really hard to reduce the amount of single-use plastic we consume as a family and therefore having eco friendly packaging and fully recyclable plastic in the small amount they do use is a real positive. The products are also Vegan and Vegitarian friendly, cruelty free (not tested on animals) and are full of as natural ingredients as possible, forumulated and manufactured in the UK.

Whilst I can’t completely hide the fact that I am rapidly approaching 40, I can at least take a few positive steps to help the process be a little less painful!

If you want to try them out for youself, my links above will give you 20% off the already very reasonable RRP!

Sweet Dreams!


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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