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Ditch The TV: Activities For The Family

Ditch The TV: Activities For The Family

This is a collaborative post 

The moment to spend quality time with your family is here. There’s never been a better opportunity for families to take time off from the TV and dedicate an evening to foster a stronger relationship. 

COVID-19 has drastically altered our work and social environment. Thus, taking a moment to appreciate the people we love isn’t a luxury but a necessity. 

So, instead of spending another day mindlessly watching tv while the children are scrolling through their phones, change the routine. 

Make A Family Album

Are you guilty of taking hundreds of pictures but never organising them in your family album? You probably tell yourself you’ll do it the next weekend, but before you know it, a decade goes by, and you’ve lost your precious memories.

Turn it into a family activity. Include your family in the album-making and immortalize their trips, birthdays, and family events. 

Play Card & Board Games

Host a game night!

Tell your family members to bring their favourite card & board games. On a weekend or Friday night, play with them. 

Use the classic games if you’d like: Monopoly, Jenga, Clue, Scrabble, Candy Land, Battleship, etc. 

To make it even more fun, track their progress and give first, second, and third place prizes. It’ll be a night to remember. 

Build A Fort

Return to simpler times and younger dreams by tapping on your creative side. Build a fort made of pillows, bedsheets, teddy bears, couches, or anything you can find. 

Challenge your family by asking them to design complex fortresses with specific items and see who comes up with the best. 

Build A Treehouse

At an early age, your kids seek adventure. You’ve seen it in movies and tv shows. A treehouse never gets old. This is the perfect project to work on over the weekends. While it might take weeks or months to finish, the result is a treehouse built by the love of a family. 

It’ll demonstrate to your kids that you are willing to dedicate your time and attention to their interests. 

On the plus, they’ll have a space they can call their own where they can host other family activities

Go To Appointments

If you never have the time to go to your or your family’s doctor’s appointments, now’s the time. It may not be the most thrilling activity, but it’s still necessary. 

Book an appointment with the dentist or visit our cosmetic dentist, get your children’s physical, and ensure everyone is checked. 

Better be safe than sorry. 

Bake Together

When the holidays come, baking, cooking, and decorating is quite a handful. To prepare them, let your family join in and teach them how to bake. Start with an easier recipe and be prepared to get your kitchen dirty. 

Make chocolate cupcakes, brownies, vanilla cake, oatmeal cookies, or try any other baking recipes that appeal to you.


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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