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Easy tips for a Romantic Date Night at Home on a Budget

Easy tips for a Romantic Date Night at Home on a Budget

*This is a collaborative post

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and right in the depths of a global pandemic, this one is likely to be quite different to the usual romantic nights out we might be used to. Where we may normally be shipping the kids off to their grandparents for a romantic night away, or heading out for a candlelit dinner at our favourite restaurant, this year we will be lucky if we can enjoy a simple dinner at home with our partners once the kids have finally gone to sleep.

This year has also been hard on all of our finances, so here are some hints and tips for creating a semi-romantic date night at home on a budget this Valentine’s Day.

Create her favourite tipple…

Embrace your inner mixologist and create her favourite tipple. Think ice blocks straight from the freezer, umbrellas, strawberries to garnish and her favourite combinations of spirits and mixers. Even more fun; why not take it in turns to mix up a cocktail and ask them to guess what you’ve put inside? The longer this game goes on the more interesting it could become!

Host an indoor picnic

It may well be too cold to head outdoors for a picnic in the great outdoors, but don’t let that stop you! Lay out a large picnic blanket on the floor and bring out all of her favourite snacks and nibbles. Having some time just to eat and chat together can be really romantic in itself, and is a great way to wind down from the realities of lockdown and homeschooling!

Cook up her favourite meal

You don’t have to spend a fortune to serve up her favourite meal at home. Whilst we’re all impartial to a fancy 3 course dinner, you sometimes can’t beat a real winter warmer like shepherds pie, beef chilli, fajitas or tacos. Serve up a big bowl in the centre of the table and dig straight in, loading then up with your favourite fillings before digging in. You can even source the best wine that pairs with tacos to make sure you have the perfect combination, and look out for charge back sites so you can save some money on your purchases too (learn more here).

Don’t buy her flowers

Whilst no one would say no to a beautiful bunch of flowers on Valentine’s Day, the mark up on Valentine’s Day itself is ridiculous. If you really want to mark your affections with a bunch of flowers, the date isn’t going to make a difference! Wait until they have reduced them or gone down in price and you can often pick up some beauties for half the price!

Create the ultimate movie night

When the kids have gone to bed, create a cozy camp out on the sofa and pop your favourite movie on the TV. Snuggle up under a duvet or blankets, share a big bowl of popcorn and pour yourself a glass of wine. Attempt not to talk about the kids or fall asleep before it’s finished – easier said than done!

Toast Marshmallows over the fire pit

If you are lucky enough to have a fire pit in your garden, wrap up warm and head down to the garden to toast marshmallows (or create smores together). These sweet treats and the interaction of the toasting is a fun and tasty way to ‘toast’ the big day!

How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day in 2021?


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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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