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Energy Boosting New Mum Gifts with Love Fresh Cherries

Energy Boosting New Mum Gifts with Love Fresh Cherries

#AD This post is in partnership with Love Fresh Cherries 

Being a new Mum can be both physically and mentally exhausting. Take the Sleep deprivation, add relentless night feeds and a body recovering from physical trauma and mix in the peaks and troughs of those joyful post pregnancy hormones. Next, sprinkle in an unwelcome serving of colic, a generous portion of wind, and a whole heap of nappy changes, and it’s no great surprise that us Mums can feel more than a little worse for wear in those early newborn days.

When a new baby arrives on the scene, friends and loved ones are normally pretty desperate to come around and visit, stumbling through the door at the earliest possible opportunity, laden with a bags and bags full of beautiful baby grows and balloons. They’re all desperate to hold the baby, take a peak at their tiny little toes and catch a sniff of that adorable newborn smell – as after all, it’s the baby – the brand new arrival, that is the star of the show.

Whilst these generous gifts for the newborn are all very gratefully received, the reality is that it is more likely the Mum themselves who could probably do with a bit of love and self care. However their baby entered the world, its likely that their body will be feeling pretty bruised and battered, they’ll have barely slept in over a week and pregnancy might have left them iron deficient and anemic.

A great alternative gift for a new Mum and something that you can easily make at home yourself, is a hamper of thoughtful practical, self care gifts. Something that will enable her to ensure she concentrates on looking after herself just as much as she does her new bundle of joy and lets them know you’re thinking of them too.

Cherry Self Care Hamper

British Cherry season is currently in full swing, and cherries make the perfect theme for a New Mum Self Care hamper, offering the ideal combination of health benefits for a sleep deprived Mum who is slowly adjusting to her new responsibilities!

We recently made up a Cherry Self Care hamper for our friend who has just welcomed not one, but TWO babies into the world! Here’s what’s inside…

For a Dose of Vitamin C…

Fresh cherries are not only a really refreshing fruit to snack on in the warmer Summer months, but are also a great source of antioxidants including anthocyanins, quercetin, carotenoids, vitamin C and minerals such as potassium. 100g of cherries provide 25% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, so this little jar full should set her well on her way.

Vitamin C can help our bodies absorb the iron within our foods – and with many women being iron deficient or having suffered some blood loss during labour, enhancing the amount of vitamin C in her diet combined with an iron rich diet such as broccoli and spinach can have a hugely positive impact on her ability to prevent anemia or tiredness.

A Slice of Energy…

In the days of cluster feeding and regular wakes ups, it can be really easy for a whole day to pass by in a bit of a blur, so much so that new Mums can forget to eat regularly enough or even consume proper meals. If they are breastfeeding, new Mums are also burning up to 500 additional calories every day, and in order to keep their energy levels up and cope with sleep deprivation, regular healthy snacks are recommended. This energy boosting Cherry and Sultana loaf cake is super easy to bake and is the perfect accompaniment to a warm cup of tea, which you can kindly make them when you visit (as lets face it, its more likely to be a cold one otherwise!)

Wrap a couple of slices in brown paper to present them nicely in the hamper, and then pop the rest in an air tight container so she can spread out her energy over the course of a few days!

To help you feel less tired…

Cherries are a natural source of our sleep hormone melatonin, and whilst still in its infancy, there is promising research linking cherry juice to a better nights sleep. Whilst the regular wake ups and night feeds might be leaving Mum wishing she could reacquaint herself with her king size quilt, this cherry infused flapjack will give her a little dose to help her slowly on her way to the land of nod, and hopefully then the little sleep she does get will be the deep, dream inducting variety!

A well deserved treat… 

Not only are cherries low in calories, they also have a low glycemic load which means they are perfect treat for balancing blood sugar and maintaining a healthy weight. These guilt free treats can make her feel like she’s having something really naughty, but are actually very good for you! With just a small layer of dark and white chocolate, they will give Mums that sweet sensation they might be craving whilst offering all the other benefits of cherries mentioned above! I can categorically vouch that these taste amazing (and I may have consumed a few during the decorating process!) As with the cherry and sultana loaf above, a small selection of the chocolate dipped cherries can be boxed up to display and be eaten fresh, but can also be frozen to make the joy last that little bit longer!

Love Fresh Cherries New Mum Hamper

To make your own Love Fresh Cherries New Mum Hamper you will need:

    • a small wicker basket or tray
    • Items to wrap your food in – we opted for these sustainable options as they look great when wrapped in string
    • A small jar
    • Some additional small gifts for baby – we chose a little white bunny and muslin squares.
    • Some flowers for decoration.
    • Little labels for highlighting the benefits of each one

Overall I think creating a New Mum Hamper with a difference is a great way to remind a new Mum that you’re there for her just as much as her baby, and that if she ever wants to chat, off load, share her challenges or frustrations, that all she has to do is give you a call. Those early days of being a new parent can be incredibly overwhelming, and knowing that there’s a friend who’s got your back is quite possibly the best gift you can ever give!

You can find fresh cherries in season at your local supermarket now. To learn more about the health benefits of adding cherries to your diet see the Love Fresh Cherries site here.

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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