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Enjoying the Moments that Matter with Truprint

Enjoying the Moments that Matter with Truprint

The moments that matter… 

As we approach the end of another year, I always take a moment to look at the year gone by, reflecting on the moments that I will remember forever. 2018 has been, at times a very difficult year, and reflecting back on it all – we definitely seem to have had more than our fair share of ups and downs. That said, we’ve had lots of lovely moments, and those are the moments I will cherish and remember; whilst the less enjoyable moments will fade into insignificance.

One of my favourite parts of being a Mum is watching my girls grow up. I love to look back on my photos at the end of the year and see how much they’ve changed. The little changes you don’t spot when your with someone everyday, but when you compare the end of the year to the start, you suddenly notice how much taller they are, how much their hair has grown, or how their faces have thinned out or changed as the months have gone by. In 2018 we’ve had some big moments as a family – things like Erin’s first school report and our first holiday to Cornwall as a family of four. We’ve also had the little things – family days out, snow days, kicking in leaves, jumping in puddles and hiding in the woods.

Some of my favourite photos captured of the girls this year are from days out where I have seen a natural moment between the two of them, a little hold of a hand, a protective cuddle between sisters, a laugh or a smile of glee as they chase each other around, enjoying some freedom in the fresh air. Watching them explore, wide eyed and bushy tailed – fascinated by everything around them, because to them, the whole world is one big mini adventure.

In many of our photos you can visibly see the laughter, usually as we huddle round as a family and wait for the timer light to flash – Erin letting out a little excited squeal as I quickly whizz back into the group just before just before the shutter goes off. I love these moments, because to me, the little things, these every day moments – those are the moments that matter.

I’ve written before about how sad I get that people don’t enjoy photographs anymore. We are so quick to take them, so free in our ability to instantly check them, retake them when we’re unhappy, edit, share and store, that very rarely do people print them anymore, show them off, share them with actual friends or display them in our home. I think that’s a real shame.

Now that my Mum is no longer here, some of my favourite photographs are the ones of me and her together, enjoying each others company, laughing, being silly, making memories, and if I am totally honest, ones that had my Mum lived in the digital era, she may have deleted because she didn’t quite look her best. I cherish those photos, and those imperfectly perfect moments, because when it comes down to it, those are the moments that matter. The unposed, the unforced, the natural, happy moments of just a mother and her child, loving life.

So for 2019, I have set myself a challenge to make more of these moments that matter. To take more photographs of me with my children, enjoying life, playing and laughing, and hope that they can look back on them with fondness the same way that I do with mine. I will PRINT them, display them, share them in a way that shows how proud I am of my girls and how they are growing up to be strong and confident. I will take a little piece of those happy faces with me to work, to brighten my afternoons when my to do list is long and the time is going slow. I will be able to look back on some of our favourite moments from 2018 as I make our plans for 2019.

When it comes to printing my photos, Truprint have a fantastic range of photo gifts to choose from, and for a blogger like me, their new personalised photo diaries and notebooks are ideal, meaning that even when I am not with the girls and am working on planning blog content, scheduling posts and processing a brain dump of ideas; I can see my girls and remind myself of the reason I do it all. Celebrate the fact that the blog allows me to continue working part time; giving me more day times at home with my girls to create more of the moments that matter.

If you want to showcase some of your favourite moments from 2018 as a gift for your loved ones this Christmas, you can get 40% off the entire range at Truprint with the code MOMENTS40.

What have been your moments that matter for 2018?

*This is a collaborative post*








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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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