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Exploring STEM Subjects with Your Child

Exploring STEM Subjects with Your Child

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STEM is a compulsory part of the curriculum that equips children with the knowledge needed to make ground-breaking discoveries and take on prestigious careers in the future. It stands for science, technology, engineering and maths which have now been expanded to form STEAM to include art subjects. We have teamed up with a private school in Bucks to share a few ways that you can explore STEM subjects with your child at home.

Explore Career Paths

On average, STEM graduates in the UK are reported to earn salaries that are 20% higher than that of their peers. That too from careers that are fascinating and rewarding from microbiology to astrophysics. Exploring the wide variety of roles that these subjects have to offer can help to renew your child’s interest and passion.

Discoveries and Inventions 

Exploring the discoveries and inventions that STEM has given birth to can help your child to develop an appreciation and become more invested in their subjects at school. This is something that you can do through the TV programmes that you watch as a family. Shows such as BBC’s “Click” that explores new tech to be trialled and launched and Blue Peter on CBBC. 

Get Stuck In

Home experiments can give your child a taste of what it’s like to be a scientist. If you detest washing up, this one might not be for you, but we can vouch that it’s worth the fun. This method in particular lends itself perfectly to kinaesthetic learners and can make for unforgettable science lessons and memories. 

Online Games

Video gaming isn’t all bad. There are plenty of games that are available to play online that can help your child to learn about STEM such as science and coding games. There are so many that your child will never get bored. Coding games typically teach lessons on functions and later present challenges that utilise this knowledge in order to level up. Science games on the other hand allow children to grow their own vegetables virtually and create their own animal kingdoms.

Arrange a Family Field Trip

A day out to a science museum or a tech exhibition can teach your child a lot about STEM and its contribution to today’s world. It also gives them the opportunity to speak with experts to question their perspectives and gather new teachings. Things that just can’t be achieved through traditional means.


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