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Getting Ready for Winter: 5 Tips To Create a Home That Is Better for Your Wallet and the Environment

Getting Ready for Winter: 5 Tips To Create a Home That Is Better for Your Wallet and the Environment

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According to research published by the House of Commons Library, energy prices in the UK have significantly risen and today, households can face an increase in their utility bills as high as £1,600.

What’s more, now that winter is on our doorstep, it is crucial to understand how to reduce energy consumption, but efficiency, and reduce the overall impact of our lifestyle on our wallet and the environment. 

With the tips below, you can minimise your energy consumption without having to compromise on comfort and well-being. Start here! 

Adjust Your Lifestyle To Reduce Energy Consumption and Waste

The first step to take to create a more energy-efficient lifestyle is to take a hard look at your family habits and energy use. Some great lifestyle adjustments you might put into practice as the winter season approaches include:

  • Bundling up and wearing warm clothes
  • Lowering the household temperature
  • Switching lights and heating off when not in use
  • Learn how to wash clothes to use the least amount of energy
  • Switch off devices that are left on standby
  • Air-dry your clothes
  • Close your curtains at night to keep your rooms warm
  • Switch your light bulbs for more energy-efficient alternatives

Invest in Insulation

Insulation plays a big role in helping you meet your budget and energy consumption goals. According to recent estimations, poorly insulated homes plagued by drafts and gaps can cause their owners to spend up to £250 extra in wasted energy

Luckily, insulating your home does not have to be difficult. Make sure to speak to an expert to better understand the insulation systems that work best for your property.

Switch to New Energy Systems

If you are undergoing a major renovation of your home or you are building your property from scratch, you might consider opting for more innovative and energy-efficient systems. 

For example, if you have several open spaces in your home that need heating up, solutions such as Reverse Cycle Heating can be one of the best ways to keep your home comfortable and efficient. 

Alternatively, you might consider the benefits of investing in solar panels for your property. 

Instal a Smart Thermostat

If you are looking to make your home more energy efficient, you can’t ignore the importance of investing in a smart thermostat. Thanks to a smart device, you can control your home’s heating, temperature, water consumption, and lighting from a user-friendly interface on your phone. 

Installing a smart thermostat can help you reduce your electricity costs, reduce waste, and create a more comfortable environment for your entire family. 

Take Care of Your Devices and Appliances

The devices and appliances in your home can have a significant impact on your monthly bills. While most households in the UK are now more reliant than ever on these devices, you can cut your electricity costs by replacing obsolete power-hungry appliances and choosing more efficient solutions.

Don’t forget to switch off these devices when they are not in use, avoid using not necessary appliances (such as a tumble dryer), and only run your washing cycles when your dishwasher or washing machine is full.


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