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Health Philosophies That Will Totally Revolutionise Your Body

Health Philosophies That Will Totally Revolutionise Your Body

*This is a collaborative post

We all start in life full of energy, ready to tackle the next challenge, no matter how overwhelming it might seem. But as the years drag on, ageing eventually takes its toll, and by the time you hit thirty, you’re really beginning to feel it. 

It turns out, though, that there are a bunch of health philosophies that can reverse this sorry trend and give you back the body that you had in your youth. These paradigms won’t make you look young again, but they can change the way you think and, therefore, alter your perceptions.

So what are these philosophies? And how can they help? 

Whole-Food, Plant-Based Eating – A Non-Reductionist Approach To Diet

For years, scientists have tried to extract beneficial nutrients from food and package them up in pill form. The basic idea is that each chemical in food has a specific target in the body, and that’s how you derive the benefit. Vitamin C, for instance, is what makes oranges healthy. 

The more in-depth researchers probe, however, the more they find that this isn’t true. You simply can’t reduce food down to its constituent elements and expect to get all the health-promoting effects. The only way to derive the benefits of an orange is to eat the damn thing. 

Whole-food, plant-based eating, therefore, is taking off. It means you centre your diet around foods as they come out of the ground – nothing added, nothing taken away. 

Non-Duality Modes Of Meditation

Meditation is a longstanding practice that people have used for many thousands of years to improve their wellbeing. There are many different schools of meditation, but one of the most interesting are those described as “non-dual.” The idea here is to accept that there is no difference between the world “out there” and that which exists in your mind. This practice teaches you that they are fundamentally the same, helping you to gain inner peace and understanding. 

Mindfulness is a significant movement in the modern world. It is something that many people strive for, especially in a secular society that doesn’t provide ultimate answers to life’s most pressing questions. Meditation helps to calm the mind and focus on the true self – the part of the mind that exists, absent rumination. 

Mindset Training – A New Approach To Lifestyle Changes

Willpower alone won’t enable you to achieve your goals. You only have a finite supply of the stuff, and eventually, it’ll run dry, and desire will take over. 

Mindset training, therefore, is an approach that seeks to fundamentally adjust what our desires are. So, for instance, instead of thinking of the gym as a chore, this approach helps you recouch it as something positive. Perhaps it is your escape from the toils of work or family life. Or maybe it is the tool that you will use to get the life that you want. Again, it is very much a case of mind over matter. Using this strategy can help you avoid yo-yo behaviours and stick to a health regimen. 




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