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House Not feeling like Home? Here’s How to Change That

House Not feeling like Home? Here’s How to Change That

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If you do not quite feel as though your house feels like home, then there are a few changes that you can make. If you are ready to make a positive impact on your property, then this is the guide for you.

Add some New Colours

The first thing you need to do is try and add a new splash of colour. Believe it or not, a new splash of colour has the ability to completely transform the way that your home feels. You may have chosen the colour that you have now because you feel as though it is plain, and you can then decorate around it. That being said, times change and as you live in your home, you may want something a bit more dramatic. Remember that it is your home, and you can have any colour on your walls that you want. If you want to paint them neon pink, go for it. You can even go with a patterned carpet if you want, to bring everything together. 

Rearrange Everything

Another thing you can try and do is rearrange your furniture. This can have a monumental impact on your home. Sometimes, it’s all you need for your home to look and feel better too. if you are starting out, then the bedroom is a great place for you to experiment. Just make sure that your bed is in an easy position for you to sleep in. If you have it aimed at a direct light source, then this won’t be doing you any favours for example. If you are working with your living room, then have a good idea about where you want things to go before you go ahead and move them. If you can do this, then you will soon find that things work in your favour.

Clear Clutter

Clutter is a huge nightmare to say the least. The unfortunate thing about clutter is that some people like it and some don’t. If your home doesn’t quite feel like a safe space, then you need to go through all of your stuff and you also need to figure out what you want to throw and what you want to keep. You can even utilise self-storage if you are not quite ready to have a big clear-out yet, so try and be mindful of this if you can.

Put up some Pictures

How many pictures do you have on display in your home? How many do you see when you walk to your bedroom, or when you walk through the hallway? If you don’t have any, then now is the time for you to do something about that. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to get the result you are going for and you can even make your home feel way more like yours as a result. Just don’t be afraid to experiment here, and always do what you can to focus on what makes you happy.

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