How to Choose the Best Domain Name for Your New Website

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Countless aspiring stay-at-home Mums like me have taken to the Internet in order to earn a supplemental income on a part-time basis, . In fact, I have watched some bloggers who started their blogs around the same time as me, arrive at the point where their business has evolved into a full-time venture.
I don’t have many regrets about my blog and am happy about the part time business that it has become, I do wish I had chosen a slightly different name. Having reviews in the title insinuates that this is *just* a site of reviews, when in reality, it has become a much wider parenting and lifestyle blog. I often worry that I get overlooked for brand campaigns because they see my blog name and roll their eyes.
If you are planning on setting up your own website, your own personal brand is crucial. Whilst much can be said in regards to website design and product appeal, you should never forget that visitors will first have to find the page in question before interacting with what it is that you have to offer, and therefore choosing the right domain name for your budding business is one of the most critical aspects of online marketing. So, what should be addressed and how can you narrow down the ultimate selection?
Remember to Take Google Into Account
Many entrepreneurs who buy domain names are primarily concerned about the syntax and its relation to their business.
Here are two fictional examples:
Although both of these get the main point across in regards to what the site has to offer, they are overly generic. In the event that a user is searching for a plumber in a specific region such as London or Birmingham, these domain names will not appear within the top search results. This is due to the fact that Google loves specifics. We need to remember is that Google is primarily powered by a series of complex algorithms. These algorithms are utilised to interpret what a certain domain has to offer and to thereafter provide accurate search results when a query is made. So, it is better to choose a domain name that is much more discriminating.
These are some excellent alternatives to the first set of titles that were mentioned:
While the main concepts of the domain names have remained intact, their location-specific modifications will enable these titles to be displayed higher within search engine results pages thanks to a geographical edge. Still, a successful domain name is associated with much more than mechanics alone.
A Touch of Psychology
Always remember that a domain name essentially represents the first step in the buying process. This is the very same reason why companies spend a great deal of time and money on branding. Domain names must be memorable and catchy while still reflecting the core essence of your website. If possible, try to avoid longer strings of text; these are more difficult to remember and the chances are high that your page will receive fewer hits. It is also a good idea to perform existing domain name searches with the help of tools such as Shopify in order to determine if your idea has already been taken.
Above all, be patient. It may take days or even weeks to discover the proper name for your website. This mental labour is certainly worth the effort, as you are literally “stuck” with a name once it is chosen. Take your time and never be afraid to think outside of the box.