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How To Create A More Holistic Home

How To Create A More Holistic Home

*This is a collaborative post

When you are designing and decorating your home, you might take inspiration from your friends, your personal taste, and, of course, the internet. Pinterest boards full of stunning homes take up space on many people’s laptops and phones; these online inspirations help us to find and buy items for our homes, as well as giving us an opportunity to cultivate our personal interior decor taste. 

If you love floating around the internet in search of home inspiration, one trend you may have spotted of late is that of the holistic home. Holistic imagery and items are becoming more and more popular as time goes on; in these crazy times, people are searching for meaning in a more spiritual way, and are using their homes as the starting point. 

If you are searching for ways to make your home more spiritual, holistic and grounding, you’re in the right place! Here is how to create a more holistic home! 

Do some research into holistic aspects of life you’re interested in – then cultivate them in your home space. 

When it comes to the words “holistic” and “natural”, there are a lot of objects, practices and styles that fit into them. These are words that are used broadly, and the bottom line is, you need to find out what they mean to you. If you are new to a holistic, natural or even spiritual way of life, you might be looking to try something new, but without much direction. 

Here are some common holistic spiritual practices and items that you can research further, as well as how you might be able to incorporate them into your home!

Yoga & meditation.

Yoga and meditation are two of the most commonly practised spiritual and holistic activities in the modern day. Yoga and meditation both originate from India, and are ancient traditions that have been used for mental tranquility, physical strength and emotional healing for generations. 

If you want to make space in your home for yoga and meditation, you can do so by setting aside a few square metres of your home space for this practice. All you’ll need is a good quality yoga mat, some natural light, and a little space around the mat so you can stretch. You can find at-home yoga and meditation sessions on YouTube or using apps. 

In addition, to set the mood for calm and relaxation, you could invest in candles, incense, or even calming music such as whale song!


Crystals are made from compressed minerals, and are mined all over the world. These small stones are relatively cheap, but don’t underestimate their power. Crystals have been used by healers all over the world to change the energy in a place, and to bring a sense of calm and strength to those who keep them close by. 

It is easy to find crystals and dot them around your home, in order to cultivate a sense of holistic wellbeing. For example, tree agate and moss agate crystals are used to help houseplants grow, and to bring fertility and prosperity. Similarly, rose quartz is used to bring joy and happiness. By placing these crystals around your home in small dishes, you can start to cleanse your home of negative energy and bring a wholesome feeling to the home. 

You can even hang crystals from a shelf with a hanging rail or a window, too. These crystals look beautiful and clink gently together in the breeze – perfect for relaxation.

  1. Vegetarianism and veganism.

Vegetarianism and veganism are both practiced by millions of people around the world. People try these ways of life for different reasons – some, in order to be more physically healthy; some, in order to reduce consumption of animal products; some, for both these reasons. By reducing animal products that are in your home and sticking to a more plant based diet, you are making a good contribution to the planet, while also helping to bring a more peaceful aura to your home. 

When it comes to practical changes you can make when going veggie or vegan, you can start by stocking your kitchen with plenty of alternative proteins, such as nuts, lentils and pulses. In addition, you can buy vegetarian or vegan recipe books that cover many cuisines and cultures, helping you to settle into this new diet with ease.

Natural, handmade fabrics.

One aspect of life that helps many people to thrive in a more holistic way, is buying products that are made ethically. Of course, this isn’t always possible – ethical products tend to be more expensive than mass-produced ones – but if and when you can, shopping mindfully is a great way to make your home more holistic. 

When you are shopping for fabrics like  blankets, bedding and cushions, one way to nurture a more ethical shopping approach is to buy from individual sellers who hand-make their products. That way, you know you are supporting a small business rather than a large corporation, and you can ask the seller about how they source their materials. In short, shopping for handmade fabrics can help your home to look more individual and beautiful, while simultaneously nurturing holistic practices rather than mass-produced products. 

Ask yourself: what makes me feel calm?

When you are beginning your journey to living a more holistic life, you need to focus on calmness and tranquility. Ultimately, our homes are meant to be sanctuaries of relaxation; we are meant to feel safe and whole at home. Finding what makes you feel calm among the stresses of life, like work, childcare, bills and health, is a hugely important step along the road of wellness – although it can be difficult at times. 

For some people, calmness is found in quality time with their family. If that sounds like you, make sure your home is designed to welcome that quality time. Get a big dining room table with plenty of chairs around; share food together at the end of each day. Sometimes, the simplest pleasures can bring the most happiness!

For others, alone time is what is needed to feel truly calm. If you love alone time, try making a space in your home that’s just for you. Fill it with things you love – be it old movies, records, scented candles, sports equipment, books – whatever makes you feel most at peace. Living holistically is about finding the truth and cultivating a life around it.

Start with yourself, not with your home.

Starting with yourself is absolutely crucial to a holistic life. “Holistic” is used as a buzzword for “spiritual” or “natural” – but the original meaning of “holistic” is to treat or look at the whole organism, the whole of yourself, not just one part. Some people inadvertently nurture their working lives more than their personal lives, or their physical body more than their mental health. Living holistically means looking at the whole of yourself – the good, the bad and the ugly – and finding a life that works for you.

In conclusion…

When it comes to making your home into a holistic place, it starts with you, not the home itself. Figuring out what you need in order to feel safe, secure and happy at home is the first step to making your home a better, calmer place. By using the skills shown to you in this post, you may be able to think more clearly about what you need as a person. Your home should reflect who you are, and what you need – not which trends are hot right now on Pinterest!

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