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How to have a Stress-Free Move with Children

How to have a Stress-Free Move with Children

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Moving home can be a stressful enough experience as it is, without the added complication of having children to think about. But when you have children, everything becomes all that more difficult. You have to consider their feelings as this may well be quite an upheaval and something quite out of the bounds of their life experience so far, so it may make them feel a little apprehensive. If you are moving so far they will have to move schools this can make it even more complicated, but there are strategies that can help you get through this life change more easily.  

Tell the Children as Early as Possible

It is best not to avoid telling the children until the last minute because they need time to adjust to the idea. Do not be under the illusion that telling them late will be easier on them as they won’t have to worry so much about it. Also, don’t tell them so early that they can’t see it is a real possibility. By telling them in a time-appropriate way, they can get used to it and say goodbye to anyone they feel they need to. You can also show them then new home before you move so they can begin to visualize it. They may well be more excited than nervous, but if they are apprehensive, then you have time to coax them into the move gently and easily.

Get them involved

There are many ways you can get the kids involved in the move, from choosing which of their items to bring and throw away to getting their advice on paint and decor n the new home. If you haven’t actually chosen a new home, perhaps they can help you make your mind up. You want them to be as excited as you are in the move and the best way to do this is to incorporate them into the decision-making. This will make them feel valued and listened to, which is very important. It also helps you understand their fears better too. 

Keep up the Routines

To make the move as smooth as possible for them, it would help if you kept things as normal as possible. Perhaps you can move during a holiday to avoid them missing out on school. If they are members of any clubs, try to find new clubs near the home where you live before you move so they can join as soon as they move. Anything that makes it seem less of a disruption will help them with the whole process.  

Be Open

The best way for you to remain open and communicative to your children throughout the moving process is to be as organized and as stress-free as you can. So start everything early. From booking the movers on an appropriate date, learn more, to decluttering, and beginning the packing process. Eliminating the stress from the move means the children will feel able to come up to you and air their worries whenever they have them.  


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