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How to nurture your child’s imagination

How to nurture your child’s imagination

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Many times in life, people believe that individuals are born with creativity and that there is no hope for those born without a clear talent in it. However, this is far from the truth as creativity and imagination are things that can be developed with the right encouragement and environment. Creativity is not a one size fits all talent and can come in many shapes and sizes. It begins from drawing, painting, dancing and acting to cooking, baking and imaginative play. Children who have a great imagination on them are known to achieve better results when it comes to education and have stronger abilities when it comes to functioning. Below are a few simple ways on how you can nurture your child’s imagination. 

Make the home environment exciting

A home environment where your child feels free to explore and express their creativity can have a big impact on whether your child will or will not adopt a strong imagination. Allow your child the freedom to think up their own games and get a bit messy from time to time. Strict rules and judgement will lead your child far from this and do the exact opposite. With the right encouragement, your child can grow up in an environment where their thoughts and ideas are valued and can be explored further to nature their creativity.

Have different resources on hand

In many situations, parents will live with the mindset that school is the only place for children to work and develop on different skills and abilities. However, it is just as important to bring the learning into the home as well, by providing different opportunities for your child to explore their imagination and creativity. Of course, not every creative skill requires resources, but for the ones that require practical work, resources are important to keep on hand. A box full of paints, pens, paper and different craft items that are easily accessible, will fuel your child’s imagination and help them come up with creations they never thought they were capable of. Bear in mind, this doesn’t have to become expensive. Saving old boxes, toilet rolls and out of date pasta can be just the tools needed to begin your child’s journey to creativity. 

Encourage your child to embrace difference

Sometimes, children are capable of more than they let off, but hide their talents due to it seeming uncool to the peers around them. Remind your child daily that it is important that they use their imagination to do the things they find enjoyable, no matter what the world around them thinks.

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