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How To Prepare Your Home For Renovation

How To Prepare Your Home For Renovation

This is a collaborative post 

When you want to renovate your home, you shouldn’t forget that you want to retain as much value as possible. For too many of us see renovation as like some sort of reset which will knock off some value and put some back on when we’re done. This is the wrong way to approach this kind of project. Sure you will increase the value of your home if you tear down the support walls and create an open plan. But in the meantime, you should consider how you can retain the lighting, unique feel of the rooms and style pieces that give each area its own energy, etc. so here is how you should prepare your home for a renovation.

Note the style and feel of the room

Unless you want a totally new feel of a room, which is rare, you will need to note what kind of style the room has. It could be that the style of the room is what has the most impact on you for how it feels. For example, you want to merge the kitchen with the living room. Here are some things to note.

  • What are the themes of each room?
  • What are the colors in both rooms that really stick out?
  • What kind of spatial design is there between seats, features, fixtures, fittings, etc?
  • What kind of decor is dominant in the rooms, i.e. sofa for the living room, island for the kitchen. Try to keep these two if you can.
  • What kind of lighting is there for each room? Maybe one is more golden while the other is more blue.

Move your things out

So now that you have a good description of the rooms you will be renovating, you should move things out. Using a self storage service you can store all of your things where you can easily access them at any time. This kind of service is great for those that want to work at their own pace. There is both household storage and document storage available. So you should store your sofa, coffee table, lamps, and more in your own storage space. You should try to box things up so you know exactly where groups of things are.

Protect and mark  

The renovation team that you have hired may know exactly what areas to avoid, but just to be sure you should protect and mark these spots. For example, if you don’t want the floor to be touched by the walls to go, just place protection in the form of foam on the floor and leave yellow and black warning tape. You can also have your own hazard tape made, with words of your choice. You can put ‘do not harm’ on your floor so the team knows that the hardwood floor is not going to be removed in the renovation. 

Renovations are complex and they can be mirred with lots of hiccups. But if you do some of these things you should find it easier to complete without damaging anything you want to retain in the project. 


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