Hump Day Linky 3/5

Welcome to Hump Day Linky – the blog Linky for parenting and lifestyle bloggers celebrating that we have finally reached Wednesday – “Hump Day”. The middle of the week and the point at which the weekend comes into sight. It’s all downhill to Saturday from here! 🙂 There is no set theme to the Hump Day Linky meaning you can share any posts of your choice, be it current affairs, reviews, rants or random warblings! In case it’s your first time at the Hump Day Linky, I’ll briefly explain the rules (of which there are very few):
- The Hump Day Linky will be open every WEDNESDAY ONLY, from 9am until midnight.
- You can link up to two posts each week – anything from Parenting and Lifestyle bloggers goes, so the topic is entirely up to you! (Although no linking linkies please)
- Please add the Hump Day Linky badge to your posts or on to your side bar using the code below. Alternatively you can do a link back to the Linky post in a normal written link if you prefer eg ‘I’ve linked this post up to #HumpDayLinky’
- Please comment on the Host’s post, and at least 2 other posts within the Linky, one of which should be the post immediately before yours. Please use the hashtag #HumpDayLinky in your comments.
- Please tell the world using social – share your link ups and if you tweet me @realmumreview I will share your posts! 🙂
- Each week, I will share my two favourite posts from the week before and include them in the new Hump Day Linky post.
This hump day seems to have come around fast after the bank holiday weekend! I am slowly getting used to my new hair after having 7 inches cut off my hair cut off for The Little Princess Trust last sat! Today I was treated to 3 hours of childfree bliss to get my colour done – a rare treat!
My two fave posts from last week were Mommy and Rory’s Big Brother Questionnare which made my ovaries twinge a little with broodiness. So adorable bless him.
Second was Champage and Petals stationery haul for National Stationery week. Notepads are my weakness, and this post was like stationery porn!
I hope the rest of you are having a good week, and I look forward to reading your posts! Lucy x

- The Linky will be open every WEDNESDAY ONLY, from 9am until midnight.
- You can link up to two posts each week - anything from Parenting and Lifestyle bloggers goes, so the topic is entirely up to you!
- Please add the Hump Day Linky badge to your posts or on to your side bar using the code below.
- Please comment on the Host's post, and at least 2 other posts in the linky, one of which should be the post immediately before yours. Please use the hashtag #HumpDayLinky in your comments.
- Please tell the world using social - if you tweet me @realmumreview I will share your posts! :)
- Each week, I will share my two favourite posts from the week before.
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