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Important Things To Pack When You Travel

Important Things To Pack When You Travel

No matter whether you are going on a weekend road trip or hopping on a plane to explore the other side of the world, there are some essential items you need to have with you wherever you go.

Essential Medications

The first medications on this list should be ones that are prescribed to you by your GP. Before travelling, always refill your prescriptions and bring at least one extra week’s supply of medication with you, just in case there are delays of any sort that prevent you from returning home as scheduled. Keep the medications in their original containers that show your name, the medication’s name, and other pertinent information. 

When you are away from home, any number of things can occur with your health. To prevent misery or unnecessarily wasted time in searching for the nearest pharmacy, pack the following items in your bag, just in case.

  • Heartburn relief tablets
  • Anti-diarrhoea medicine
  • Pain relievers
  • Antihistamines and allergy relief medication
  • Motion sickness pills

Some other important items to include are:

  • Sunscreen
  • Chapstick with SPF
  • Hat
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Portable and non-perishable snacks
  • A GPS on your phone or paper map

Power for Your Charging Needs

Power bank or another portable charger that is compatible with your necessary devices such as phones, laptops, or medical devices. Ensure you pack the corresponding cords and wall plugs, too. If you have enough devices to warrant it, bringing a small power strip may be a proactive solution to a lack of outlets at your destination. A final item you may need is a small power converter depending on where you are travelling to.

Check out this video for a helpful tutorial on how to pack your chargers and cables. (Please note: The content is older, but the concepts are still the same, and the vlogger shows how personal preference plays a part in what you choose.)

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Your Important Documents

When you travel, you need your papers. They may now live on your smartphone in a document or an app, but they are essential nonetheless. Always ensure you have your driver’s license or other government-issued photo identification card with you. Also, include one or two credit cards (in case one is declined due to suspected or real fraud).

Before you go on vacation, scan the front and back of your credit cards, identification cards, insurance cards, and passport pages. Also include any other paperwork or personally identifiable information you carry in your wallet, purse, or bag. 

Store this information securely in a password-protected cloud storage system you will have virtual access to wherever you go. This way, should anything go missing, you will have a central place to immediately find what you need so you can go about cancelling cards or contacting your respective embassy if you are abroad.

Now that you have some good ideas on what to pack for your next adventure, it is time to go! Make a plan or go where your spirit takes you. As long as you have your essentials ready, you will be all set. And remember, the journey is part of the memories.

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