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Is lack of mobility keeping you from being active?

Is lack of mobility keeping you from being active?

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Although at the moment, with the current lockdown situation, keeping fit and active can be difficult, for those who suffer from mobility problems, it can be even more difficult to exercise and take the necessary steps to keep fit and active, as well as mentally alert.

A lack of mobility can affect anyone, young or old, sometimes it’s caused by a chronic condition, such as arthritis, sometimes as a bi-product of other illnesses that make keeping regularly active difficult. 

Other times mobility can be affected by shorter-term illness or conditions that flare up from time-to time, but when present can limit mobility. 

Sometimes challenges in mobility can be due to recuperation from surgery, or from recovery to sports related fractures, muscle strains or tendon/ ligament injury.

Whatever the cause of mobility difficulties, there are a good number of products on the market, to at least make keeping active and healthy possible and a little easier.

Here, we’ll take a short look at some of these and how they can potentially help in your quest for better physical health and getting a little fitter.

Firstly, the Vulkan Back Support helps to maintain good posture in the lumbar region of the back, or lower back. This area of the back can be a problem for many people and very painful when the muscles are strained or torn due to overwork or bad posture, particularly when bending or stretching. 

The Vulcan Back Support is a neoprene support, providing compression and warmth to the lumbar area. it is contoured for an improved fit with easy-close fastening.

This support will take some of the strain when even undertaking gentle exercise, so giving you more confidence and reassurance, ideal for walking, cycling, yoga or even just for wearing during normal activities in the home.

To improve strength and mobility in the wrists, hands, forearms and shoulders, an ideal aid comes in the form of the TheraBand Flexbar. This innovative and lightweight exercise companion is great for helping to improve strength and mobility in the wrists, hands, forearms and shoulders.


It comes in different levels of resistance, from lightweight to heavy, so you can choose the level that’s right for your own ability and physical strength. 

What’s great about the TheraBand, is that it’s very versatile, so you can get lots of different types of exercise to help with different areas of the body and specific ‘target’ areas where you want to build muscular strength and coordination. 

TheraBand Flexbars are come in three different colours with each colour providing a different level of resistance. This one is in red, with light resistance.

When exercising arms or legs, often it can be off-putting if certain moves make it painful, this can be due to a recent injury, such as a muscle tear or strain on a tendon or ligament, which creates pain when the joint is under strain.

Tubular bandages can help to make it more comfortable to exercise by supporting the joint through its range of movement and so helping you to engage in a wider range of activities, indoor or outdoor.

The graded support offered by the tubular support bandage means that it can easily be applied to the regions of the arms or legs that need the help. Once in place, the bandage takes a little of the weight, so providing you with more reassurance to complete your exercise in comfort.

If you’ve not been exercising for some time, or you are simply not in a position to be able to walk, cycle or run due to your own mobility circumstances, then one of the great innovations for increasing hand and wrist strength comes with Gel Ball Hand Exercisers. Therapy Gel balls are a very easy to use therapeutic aid that offer variable levels of resistance to regain grip strength and increase hand dexterity in a safe and simple way. 

Gel ball hand exercisers are ideal for use in exercises that strengthen weakened or injured hands, fingers, wrists and forearms. The gel ball is pleasant to touch and returns back to its original shape after each squeeze – an activity you can do whilst sitting watching TV or reading, or whilst in conversation. 

Finally, the Vulkan Classic Wrist Strap is a great way to give support to the all-important wrist joints, so making any sport or activity easier and safer, especially after recovery and recuperation to a pre-existing injury or condition. 

The Vulkan Classic Wrist Strap Provides light compression, support and therapeutic heat retention to help relieve symptoms associated with cold sensitive joints, sprained wrists, Arthritis or weak and sore muscles.

With the wrists being necessary for so many forms of exercise and yoga moves, it’s great to be able to call on a little extra help to stave off further injury, or just some of the pain that certain exercises or positions may be causing you.

We hope that you’ve found a few good suggestions to help you maintain your physical exercise and general movement, if you’d like to see more, you can take a look at the following category page here for a few more ideas.

Phil Ashforth is a staff writer for Mobility Smart, an online retailer of health, wellbeing and mobility equipment to help you recover from injury, recuperation and protection of joints and muscles when exercising or just helping you in normal daily life, you’ll find their website here


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