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Keeping the Germs at Bay

Keeping the Germs at Bay

As most of you know, there are a few reasons why I hate winter. Sure, I love Halloween, I love Bonfire Night and I love the Countdown to Christmas. At times I even love the cold crisp air and need for big cosy jumpers. I love snuggling up on the sofa with a blanket and watching movies as a family and I love snuggling up in a warm bed listening to the rain on the windows outside. But the thing I hate about winter? The germs!

As an emetophobic, the panic about germs starts to set in pretty much as soon as the girls go back to school and nursery after the holidays. After any prolonged period of time away from other children, it appears that as soon as they start mixing again someone very kindly passes on a cough or a splutter, a ear or throat infection – or worse, my nemesis – the sickness bugs.

Whilst I am extremely cautious when one of the girls are ill (and can be seen pretty much constantly dettol’ing every single surface area in my house to avoid contaminating anyone else), our house is far from being tidy. We have clothes pretty much everywhere, always seem to be in a constant state of “sorting” and I’d be lying if I said for one minute that the house was as clean as it should be.

So far this autumn / winter we have avoided the sickness bugs (although I have mentally prepared myself for one before the year is out), but having read this guide from Sloane and Sons about why cleaning your home is important, I think I need to be a bit more proactive in order to ensure that we avoid them as long as possible – and it’s not just the obvious things you need to worry about!

For example, did you know that most household remote controls harbour more germs than your toilet seat? And our mobile phones aren’t looking great either! Also, when was the last time you changed your bed linen? Your bed can boast 1.5 MILLION dust mites and you probably sweat a LITRE every week on to your bed sheets. Gross right?

Sloane and Sons have released the following infographic with lots of helpful hints and tips on how you can keep your home as clean and germ free as possible this Winter – and it’s not as time consuming or onerous as you might expect.

How do you keep your home clean in Winter?

*This is collaborative post*



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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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