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Laminate Vs Wooden Flooring

Laminate Vs Wooden Flooring

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Floor materials are of so many different types and designs, ranging from marble, to granite, to wood, to laminate, to ceramic, to concrete, to cement floors, the list is virtually endless. Here is a comparison of the two most popular flooring materials, namely laminate floors and wooden floors.

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is a great choice of flooring, because it is the best of both worlds. It is inexpensive and within financial reach of a lot of people. This is the main reason why people prefer laminate floors to any other floors.

  1. Limitless Designs And Patterns

Another reason why laminate flooring is great is the design variety and the patterns they come in. There is something for everyone when it comes to choosing a design for laminate flooring.

  1. It Can Mimic Any Natural Floor

A great thing about laminate floors is that they can mimic any floor design and the difference is very subtle. So, you can get the look of marble and granite floors without actually paying for it. It is a great way to experiment with different designs until you find something which piques your interest.

  1. Installation

Laminate floors are usually made up of ply or fiber wood. The top of the laminate is a paper on which the design is printed. The installation of laminate floors is also very easy and you can do it by yourself as well. These floors are usually floating floors, which means that you don’t have to get rid of the floorboards to install laminate flooring. Laminate floors are also very easy to clean too. 

Wooden Flooring

Now that we have laminate floors out of the way, let’s talk about a more expensive but regal type of flooring material and that is wooden floors or hardwood floors.

  1. Genuine Wood

Wood flooring has a fan base and people love the look and feel of solid wood floors. It makes the room look more cozy, warm and welcoming. There is something so timeless, classic and yet something modern about wooden floors. They go with everything as far as interior is concerned and these floors don’t clash with other colors either.

  1. Increases Value Of Your House

Wooden floors tend to add a lot of value to your house too and they are great for people with allergies, since the floors don’t house any sort of bacteria or fungus. You will need some money to get wooden floors installed, but it is considered a good investment, considering it does increases value to your house.

There you have it! Now you know everything there is to know about laminate flooring and wooden flooring. This comparison will give you a thorough understanding on what type of floor will be the best choice for you. 



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