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Made With Love: From DIY To Recycling

Made With Love: From DIY To Recycling

*This is a collaborative post

Before you had kids, you looked proudly at all the new and shiny things you bought with your hard-earned money in your home. But once those little munchkins made their appearance in your life, you cherished the homemade pictures more than your fine art on the wall. When they run to you with glittery hands, saying shyly, “mommy, I made this for you,” you don’t care if it’s made from cardboard. It’s more precious than anything new in your house. Because it’s made with love. Just as much as you adore anything made by your kids, they also feel the same about anything you make them. 

Do It Yourself Or Youtube It

There are many instances in your kids’ life that pops-up where your input as a parent is needed. And it’s not advice. It’s the Halloween costumes, bake sale at school, and help needed with the next recital props. It’s just easier going to the bakery or shops to buy the things your kids need, right? Sure, you save time, and it looks professional. But what do you think will show more pride in their eyes? Unfortunately, not everyone got the same amount of creativity when it was dished out during creation. So if you’re one of those that were standing at the back of the line, and your creativity level is none to ‘are you kidding me, then it’s time to pull out the big guns. Say aloud “Hallelujah” to the magic of Youtube videos and Pinterest ideas. Even if you don’t get it hundred percent correct, your kids will love it because you made it with love. 

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Recycling And Renovating 

Your kids’ room needs a bit of an upgrade as they move from one age group to the next. This time you are compromising. You go through your ideas with your kids and tell them what will be bought, made, or renovated. Their current desk is still fine but needs a sanding and new paint color. However, they moved into the reading phase. Sending a shout out again to the creators of the “How to videos” on Youtube, you set out to make the custom-made bookshelf. Luckily you remember the guttering leftover from when the professional came and fixed your gutter. Watching the videos another three times and a few hours later, and there it’s done. The excited squeals and tight hugs from your kids made it all worth it. 

They not only see the object you made for them but what it means while you made it. So yes, even though they might be young, in your opinion, they do see a deeper meaning. You thought about what they would like. How they would like it. The time you spent and took out of your busy day or days to make it. Money can’t buy that. Sure, money might buy a generic factory-made one, and it would have been a lot easier. But what do you think will they remember more? An object bought with money, or one made with love from you?




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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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