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Moving Home Stress-Free is possible with these tips!

Moving Home Stress-Free is possible with these tips!

This is a collaborative post

Let’s face it, there is no hiding from the fact that moving home, be that buying your first or moving from one to another happens to be one of the most stressful things that you can do in your life. It really can open your eyes to how people react in different circumstances and under different pressures. Buying the house is actually the exciting bit, looking around and ensuring you find the perfect place for you and your family. But actually mix that with everything else and your stress levels can begin to rise. 

Of course, moving house will always be a difficult thing to go through, after all, it is a huge expense and it is something that you want to get right. This is when the stress can begin to manifest, as well as dealing with paperwork and the actual moving in element. With that in mind, here are some of the things to think about. 

Think about the house you want next

Take some time to really consider what you want from your new place. Look at the things you love about your current property and the areas you would improve. It could help you develop a list of the features you might want for your next place. It is also a good idea to recognise the reasons behind moving, so you may need a minimum amount of bedrooms, some outside space or a big kitchen. There will be some non negotables on your list and there may also be some desirable attributes. 

What will be your budget? 

The next thing to consider would be the budget you have. Now that you have a valuation for your current property you should be informed of exactly your equity situation and what that might mean in terms of a new mortgage. This is when speaking with mortgage brokers such can come in handy. They can tell you based on your salary and deposit amount what you may be able to afford or be lent, which will then dictate your budget for your new place. 

Make your offer and be realistic

While you may be having offers on your place you may also be in a position to put an offer on a new place yourself, and while you may be insulted by some offers you get for yours it probably won’t stop you being cheeky with your offers for other people. This is when you get a taste of both sides of the coin. Be realistic with your offer and also provide feedback and reasoning behind it if your offer is lower than the asking price. It is just what you would want and expect for your own home if you are in the position of selling. 

Be aware of the stress involved in moving 

It is important to be mindful that the actual selling and buying side of things isn’t necessarily the most stressful part, the actual stressful side of things will probably be the packing and moving part. Packing early can help you to be prepared, and it is also a good idea to pack with the new place in mind. This is so you can have boxes dropped into the rooms they belong in when you are unloading at your new place. You should also think about using a removal company to help take some of the stress out of moving. It can be hard to rely on people like your friends and family or expect them to help with some of the heavy lifting that might be involved when it comes to furniture. This is why companies like 1st Move International can become very beneficial. Having experts to help with the removal process can also speed things up. Just make sure you factor in the costs involved beforehand. 

The emergency box for when you arrive

Once you arrive in your new home it is likely to be late in the day after moving and all the paperwork and financial side of things have been sorted. So you have to understand that unpacking your entire house is not likely to be possible on your first night. This is when the emergency box can come in handy. Pack it with essentials like a kettle, some plates and cutlery and cups. You might need to think about pyjamas and a change of clothes in a suitcase, as well as toiletries to see you through. Small organisational things like this can make all of the difference on that first night. 

Let’s hope that this helps you to have a stress-free move. 


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