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Neve’s Jungle Themed Birthday Party

Neve’s Jungle Themed Birthday Party

At the beginning of September, my youngest daughter Neve turned two. It felt like such a big milestone, and if I am totally honest seems to have come round far too early for me to feel totally comfortable with. A proper toddler, no longer a baby and in theory, the start of the dreaded terrible twos. So far so good however, she is actually of an age where most of the stuff she does is absolutely adorable, her speech is coming on really well, and we are starting to have proper little conversations now, to the point where she actually makes very good company over lunch or on the days when I am not at work. We do get the occasional temper tantrum and the odd push of her sister, but generally she understands when she’s done something wrong and very quickly says sorry! It’s hard to stay cross for long when she gives Erin a big cuddle and apologises in a super cute way!

We had a low key family party to celebrate Neve’s birthday this year (knowing that realistically this is the last time we will get away with such a thing, but couldn’t resist having some decorations and games from Party Pieces to bring the birthday vibe to life. As she seems to be completely obsessed with animals at the moment, we decided this year to opt for a jungle theme, and it really was the perfect choice. Party Pieces have a new range called Party Animals that offered the perfect jungle friendly backdrop for our party.

The Cake

A bear cake seemed like the perfect solution – we opted for this Thorntons one from Tescos – lots of chocolate pieces to go around, and it came with it’s own little icing pen so it could be personalised too. We had ordered some candles to go on the cake, however unfortunately we had established with a cake on her actual birthday a few days earlier that Neve is a little reluctnant to say the least when it comes to a naked flame! I guess having a bit of a nervousness of fire isn’t a bad thing, but it did make the blowing the candles out somewhat of an interesting experience!

The Decorations

At every single family party, we tend to love having a bit of a photobooth, and find its a really fun way for all the family to get involved and record some fun memories of the occasion. This year we opted for these jungle animal photo booth props with lots of different animal faces, and the little ones found it really funny to see each other’s faces transform in front of their eyes.

This jungle themed stand in was also a huge success. We had lots of laughs with this one, as it wasn’t only the kids who got involved, and when your 75 year old father in law gets involved too it can’t fail but to raise a smile!

The Tableware

Our napkins, plates, green cutlery and serving plates from the Party Animals range at Party Pieces. I love the leaf serving platters which were like huge big palm leaves and ideal for serving sandwiches and quiche for our guests.

The Food

Staying on the jungle theme, we decided to create a few different jungle based dishes including crudités with dip and chicken skewers with sweet chilli sauce both in the design of a lion with a fantastic mane. I also came across some fantastic zebra donuts in Sainsburys which were perfect to pop on our jungle themed table!

Overall, we had a great day, and yet again Party Pieces didn’t let us down with all of our party needs – you can learn more about the Party Animals range and all other party ranges from Baby Showers to Birthdays on the Party Pieces website.

*Disclaimer – We received a number of items from the Party Animals range free of charge in exchange for our honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own* 

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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