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Novel Business Ideas Mums Can Run From Their Own Front Room

Novel Business Ideas Mums Can Run From Their Own Front Room

*This is a collaborative post

For Mums, it can often seem as if they have to make an impossible choice. One where they either stay at home with the family or pursue their career and financial goals. However, this is genuinely not the case. In fact, there are plenty of mummies making a career and a family work. While there are plenty more that choose to start up a business from their very own home. A topic you can find out more about below.

Become an overseas property mogul

One of the smartest ways that mums can run a business from their own front room is to invest in overseas property. In fact, there are several advantages to doing this. The first of which is that if you choose an emerging market, you can get some great homes for a very reasonable price. What this means is when it comes to selling them on, you will be able to increase your investment a great deal.

Of course, for this type of venture to be successful, there are some things you will need to factor in. The first is finding the capital to invest initially, as it can be difficult to raise this from an outside source.

Then you will need to find properties that are of good quality, and low cost, something like this affordable hdb flat for sale in Singapore fits the bill perfectly. While the next step is to decide whether to lease your property out to residential renters or sell it on.

In fact, you will find that most people do both. That is, they rent it out to pay off the mortgage and wait for the market to rise. Then when house prices are high enough for a good ROI, they sell and collect the profits.

Additionally, after purchasing and selling on one property in the way, many people choose to buy 2 or more and repeat the process. This being something that can help further grow the profits involved.

Start a podcast on your specialist subject

If there is a subject that is near and dear to your heart, you might want to consider setting up and monetizing a podcast on it. Then you can spend time talking and interviewing others about it. In fact, you can genuinely podcast on just about anything from extended breastfeeding to your favorite TV shows, as long as you are informative and entertaining.

Of course, monetizing is the point here, because without it you are just waxing lyrical about your specialist subject and that is a hobby and not a business.

With that in mind, be sure to secure as many listeners and sponsors as possible. You may even wish to offer merch and additional episodes behind a paywall like Pateron to create an extra income stream.

Blogging (obvs)

Obviously, I think blogging is a great way for mums to run a business out of their own home! However, making a profitable business out of a blog isn’t as easy as it can first appear.

In fact, before you can do anything else, you need to get the most substantial amount of readers possible. After all, it is this combined with the daily hits your blog gets that companies use to assess how much to offer you for product placement and sponsorship.

With that in mind, there are two things that you need to get right from the get-go. The first is creating a blog with an excellent user interface. That is, it’s easy to navigate for readers, as well as good to look at. While the second is that you must create and regularly post varied and engaging content. A subject you can find out more about in the video below.

Sell stock photography & video

We all have cameras and videos on us all the time these days. Usually, in the form of a smartphone. Now, while this can have some downsides, such as never being able to switch off from social media, there are some positives as well.

One of these is that your smartphone may just be the thing that enables you to start up a successful career selling stock pictures and videos from home. Although you will need to go further afield than your front room to take the photos!

However, the managing of your account and marketing can all be done from home or wherever you like including the garden, glass of wine in hand. It’s a super creative pastime as a well, and some images sellers even get into crafting graphic assets, illustrations, and vectors to sell too.

However, do remember that to be successful at this game, you need to do two things. The first is to hone your photography skills, something you can do by watching videos like the ones below.

Secondly, bear in mind that selling stock photography and image assets is a numbers game. This means that you want to be able to sell the same image over and over again, usually at a low price. It’s the cumulative profits that matter here.

Life coach

Finally, if you are in or have an interest in the HR trade like me, then becoming a life coach may be the perfect work from home option. After all, it will allow you to work with clients, helping them to develop their strengths, and teaching them to better cope with their weaknesses.

In fact, being a life coach can be an enriching career as you will be part mentor and part cheerleader. Something that many people can benefit a great deal from.

Of course, just like any other industry, certifications and qualifications have started to spring up around life coaching now. This being something you may consider to provide legitimacy to your practice and ensure you get as many clients as possible.

However, above all, the best evidence for you being a good life coach will be your own successes in life. Therefore if you are a mum that has successfully balanced working and raising a family, you are already in a great position to start this type of home-based business.

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Hi, I’m Lucy, a thirty something mum of two from Birmingham. A memory maker, tradition keeper, stationery addict and Mr Men fanatic. HR Advisor by day and sleep deprived Mama by night!

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