REVIEW – Orchard Games – Little Bug Bingo

I love that Erin is getting to the age now where we can play games together. Unlike in her younger years where we always had to let her win, at 4, she is now starting to understand that games have rules and that there are winners and losers. Although she is competitive, she is happy to see the game pan out as it naturally should, without the need for us to pretend or let her win.
We are big fans of Orchard Games, having previously reviewed their Alphabet Flashcards. There new range of games are perfect for travel and at home, and perfectly sized for fun on the go.
We were recently send Little Bug Bingo and it was an absolute hit.
About Little Bug Bingo
The rules of the game are very simple – each player is given their own game bored, with a variety of different bugs to collect.
When it’s your go, you turn over a game card to reveal a bug. If players have it on their card, they pick up a leaf token, and place it over the corresponding image on the card.
Players take it in turn to turn over a card, and complete their boards accordingly.
Once your entire board is complete you should BINGO and the first person to do so is declared the winner!
Retailing at just £4.99, Bug Bingo is suitable for ages 3-6 years and can be played with up to four players.
Our Experience
The Little Bug Bingo game is the perfect size to pop into your changing bag or handbag, so is great for trips to family, train journeys or even for quick and easy entertainment whilst waiting for your meal at a restaurant.
It is made from high quality thick cardboard, with attractive illustrations and it even helped teach Erin the names of a few different insects that she hadn’t seen in the flesh before (thank god!)
Erin really enjoyed the game play. The rules were simple enough that we didn’t have to spend a lot of time explaining the instructions. The game only takes about 15 minutes to play from start to finish, so we also didn’t have to worry about her attention span waning.
Erin got really excited the more full her bingo board got, and was chuffed to bits when she finally got to shout out Bingo as she placed her last leaf on the board.
If she didn’t win first time, she always wanted to play again (a little like the best of 3!) but from a parents point of view it wasn’t too much of a chore to play again!
The hardest part of the game in our experience, was trying to stop her baby sister from stealing the leaf tokens! 🙂
Overall, Bug Bingo was a big hit, and the perfect companion for those travelling on their holidays this Summer.
You can learn more about the range of games at Orchard Games here.
*Disclosure – We were sent a Bug Bingo game free of charge by Orchard Games in return for our review, however as always, all thoughts and opinions are our own.*