Our Funny Moments!

I have found being a parent the most challenging yet rewarding thing in the entire world. There are times when I am so physically exhausted that I could sleep for a week, however these moments are closely balanced with some of the most precious experiences and memories of my life. I love watching Erin grow up and change every day, especially now she has her own quirky little personality! 🙂 There have been various times during her short time with us where we have literally howled with laughter – she is not one to do things the standard way, but she get’s there in the end! Here are two of my fave funny moments we managed to capture on video since Erin was born.
Erin learning to move…
Erin didn’t do a traditional crawl. Where as most babies I know transition from rolling to crawling (maybe with the occasional bum shuffle added in for good measure), Erin liked to be a little different! – Her crawl started off with a backwards crawl. Using her arms and legs to propel her backwards to get her where she needed to go. It looked bizarre, but she could actually move around pretty quick!
Once she had mastered the backwards crawl, she then started the Monkey Crawl – dragging one leg behind her like some kind of chimpanzee. Again this was hilarious – but she didn’t seem at all phased. It was her own little way! 🙂
Erin’s raspberry blowing battle…
This one doesn’t need much explanation … one of my favourite videos to date – she was so quick to learn about games and play – and the bond with her Dad has been super strong since Day 1. If this video doesn’t make you smile then you are a stronger person than me! 🙂
What are the funniest moments you’ve had with your little one?